Call History

You can access information about various telephony services for circuit-switched telephony and voice over IP (VoIP). You can browse the call history of a device, remove call history entries, and monitor changes.

This feature is supported in mobile applications only.

The main features of the Call History API include the following:


To use the Call History API, the application has to request permission by adding the following privileges to the config.xml file:

<tizen:privilege name=""/>
<tizen:privilege name=""/>

Search for call history items

Learning how to retrieve call history items using different parameters allows you to view specific items in a specific order, making call history monitoring easy and convenient.

  1. To retrieve call history items, use the find(successCallback, errorCallback, filter, sortMode, limit, offset) method of the CallHistory interface.
    This method is asynchronous, and the result of the query is an array of CallHistoryEntry objects.

    tizen.callhistory.find(onSuccess, onError, ifilter, sortMode, 20, 10);
  2. Use the SuccessCallback parameter of the find() method to define an event handler for the query result set.

    In the following code snippet, the found call history items are appended to the console log:

    function onSuccess(results) {
        console.log(results.length + ' call history item(s) found!');
        for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            console.log(i + '. ' + results[i].toString());
            /* Process the CallHistoryEntry */
  3. Use the filter parameter of the find() method to define a filter for the query result set. A filter with the CallHistoryEntry attributes is used to limit the results of the call history search.

    When searching for call history items, you can create attribute filters, attribute range filters, and composite filters based on specific filter attributes.

    You can define various filters:

    • The AttributeFilter type is used to search based on a single CallHistoryEntry attribute.

      For example, the following filters define that only cellular calls or calls where the remote party has the telephone number 123456789 are included in the query results:

      /* First filter example */
      var filter = new tizen.AttributeFilter('type', 'EXACTLY', 'TEL');
      /* Second filter example */
      var numberFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter('remoteParties.remoteParty', 'EXACTLY', '123456789');
    • The CompositeFilter type represents a set of filters. The UNION type composite filter matches any object that is matched by any of its filters; the INTERSECTION type composite filter matches all objects that are matched by all its filters.

      For example, the following code snippet defines a set of filters that include in the query results only the video calls where the remote party has the telephone number 123456789 and the call has started during the year 2009 or 2011:

      /* Create the ranges for the time filter */
      var y2009Filter = new tizen.AttributeRangeFilter('startTime',
                                                       new Date(2009, 0, 1),
                                                       new Date(2010, 0, 1));
      var y2011Filter = new tizen.AttributeRangeFilter('startTime',
                                                       new Date(2011, 0, 1),
                                                       new Date(2012, 0, 1));
      /* Create a time filter */
      var dataFilter = new tizen.CompositeFilter('UNION',
                                                 [y2009Filter, y2011Filter]);
      /* Create a video call filter */
      var tfilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter('features', 'EXACTLY', 'VIDEOCALL');
      /* Combine the filters into a set */
      var ifilter = new tizen.CompositeFilter('INTERSECTION', [numberFilter, dataFilter, tfilter]);
  4. Use the sortMode parameter to order the query result set. If the parameter is undefined or set to null, the results are sorted by default in a descending order.

    In the following code snippet, the found call history items are sorted according to the start time, in descending order:

    var sortMode = new tizen.SortMode('startTime', 'DESC');
  5. Use the limit and offset parameters of the find() method to specify the starting point and upper limit of the results that are returned.

    The limit parameter specifies the maximum number of matching results that are returned (the value 0 makes the limit infinite), while the offset parameter skips that many matching results that are to be returned (the value 0 means nothing is skipped).

    For example, if your search results consist of 100 matching results and you have specified an offset of 10 and a limit of 20, you get the objects from 10-29. The matching results from 0-9 are skipped due to the offset, and the 20 results starting from the first result after the offset are returned.

Remove call history items

Learning how to remove call history items allows you to keep the call history list organized and save storage space on the device:

  1. Use the remove() method of the CallHistory interface to remove a specific item from the call history. First, search for the entry to be removed with the find() method, and then handle the removal in the event handler that is called when the find() method is successful:

    /* Remove the found call history item */
    function onSuccess(results) {
        if (results.length > 0)
    var numberFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter('remoteParties.remoteParty',
                                                 'EXACTLY', '123456789');
    /* Search for the item to be removed */
    tizen.callhistory.find(onSuccess, onError, numberFilter, null, 1);
  2. To remove multiple call history items, use the removeBatch() method.

    The removeBatch() method functions similarly as the remove() method, except that it removes a list of call history items instead of a single item:

    /* Define success callback */
    function onSuccess(results) {
    var numberFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter('remoteParties.remoteParty',
                                                 'EXACTLY', '123456789');
    tizen.callhistory.find(onSuccess, onError, numberFilter);
  3. To remove all call history items, use the removeAll() method:


Monitor the call history

Learning how to register change listeners allows you to synchronize the view of your application to changes in the call history database:

  1. Define the onadded event handler of the CallHistoryChangeCallback listener interface, which tracks all new incoming and outgoing calls that are added to the call history.

    var onHistoryChange = {
        onadded: function(newItems) {
            for (var i in newItems) {
                console.log('Item ' + i + ' is newly added. Its startTime: ' + newItems[i].startTime);
  2. Define the onchanged event handler, which tracks all changes in the call history.

    The event handler receives as an argument an array of CallHistoryEntry instances, which represent the changed items in the call history:

        onchanged: function(changedItems) {
            for (var i in changedItems) {
                console.log('Item ' + i + ' is updated. Its direction: ' + changedItems[i].direction);
  3. Define the onremoved event handler, which tracks all items that are removed from the call history:

        onremoved: function(removedItems) {
            for (var i in removedItems) {
                console.log('Item ' + i + ' is removed. The removed item UID: ' + removedItems[i]);
  4. Use the addChangeListener() method of the CallHistory interface to register a listener for observing call history changes:

    var callHistoryListener = tizen.callhistory.addChangeListener(onHistoryChange);
  5. Use the removeChangeListener() method to deregister a previously registered listener. Use the ID returned by the addChangeListener():

  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 2.4 and Higher for Mobile