File Management

You can perform operations on files and directories stored in the device filesystem.

The File API is mandatory for Tizen Mobile, Wearable, and TV profiles, which means that it is supported on all mobile, wearable, and TV devices. All mandatory APIs are supported on the Tizen emulators.

The main features of the File API include the following:


To enable your application to use the file functionality, follow these steps:

  1. To perform any Cordova-related operations, you must wait until Cordova is fully set up (the deviceready event occurs):

    document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
    function onDeviceReady() {
        console.log('Cordova features now available');
  2. To use the File API (in mobile, wearable, and TV applications), the application has to request permission by adding the following privileges to the config.xml file:

    <!--To read from files-->
    <tizen:privilege name=""/>
    <!--To write to files-->
    <tizen:privilege name=""/>

Resolve filesystem entries

To resolve the initial root for other filesystem operations, follow these steps:

  • Use the requestFileSystem() global async method:

    • Define a callback for handling the success and failure of the operation:

      successCallback = function(fs) {
          console.log('File system name ' +;
      errorCallback = function(err) {
    • Call the method with the created callbacks. The filesystem request can use a temporary or persistent filesystem with a defined size:

      requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 1024*1024, successCallback, errorCallback);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    File system name temporary
  • Use the resolveLocalFileSystemURL() global async method.
    This method is used to retrieve DirectoryEntry objects (in mobile, wearable, and TV applications) or FileEntry objects (in mobile, wearable, and TV applications) using a local URI.

    • Define the callbacks:

      successCallback = function(entry) {
          console.log('Entry name ' +;
      errorCallback = function(err) {
    • Call the method with the provided valid URI for an existing file or directory:

      var uri = 'file:///home/owner/content/Documents/example.txt';
      resolveLocalFileSystemURL(uri, successCallback, errorCallback);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Entry name example.txt

Operate on directories

To create directories and files, delete directories, and read entries within directories, follow these steps:

  • To create a directory, you can use the getDirectory() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getDirectory('ert', {create:true}, function(dir) {
            console.log('Created dir: ' +;

    If the third parameter is {create:false} or NULL, the entry of the existing directory is returned in the success callback.
    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Created dir: ert
  • To create a file, use the getFile() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getFile('qa.txt', {create:true}, function(file) {
            console.log('Created file: ' +;

    Similarly as when creating a directory, if the third parameter is {create:false} or NULL, the entry of the existing file is returned in the success callback.
    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Created file: qa.txt
  • To delete a directory and its entire content, you can use the removeRecursively() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getDirectory('testDirectory', {create:true}, function(directoryEntry) {
            directoryEntry.removeRecursively(function() {

    The following output is shown in the system log:

  • To read entries, first create a reader with the createReader() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(entry) {
        entry.root.getDirectory('MyDocument', {create:true}, function(dirEntry) {
            var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader();

    With the reader, you can read the next block of entries from the current directory with the readEntries() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        var a = fs.root.createReader();
        a.readEntries(function successCallback(entries) {

    The following output is shown in the system log:


Operate on entries

To move, copy, and delete entries, or access entry metadata, parent information, and URL, follow these steps:

  • To look up metadata about an entry, you can use the getMetadata() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getMetadata(function(metadata) {
            /* Get metadata successfully */
            console.log('Last modification time: ' + metadata.modificationTime);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Last modification time: Fri Jan 02 2015 03:58:08 GMT+0900 (KST)
  • To move an entry to a different location in the file system, you can use the moveTo() method:

    successCallback = function(entry) {
        console.log('Full path to the moved file: ' + entry.fullPath)
    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getDirectory('testDirectory', {create:true}, function(direntry) {
            fs.root.getFile('aa.txt', {create:true}, function(fileentry) {
                console.log('Full path before move: ' + fileentry.fullPath);
                fileentry.moveTo(direntry, 'newname.txt', successCallback);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Full path before move: /aa.txt
    Full path to the moved file: /testDirectory/newname.txt
  • To copy an entry to a different location on the file system, you can use the copyTo() method:

    successCallback = function(entry) {
        console.log('Full path to the copied file: ' + entry.fullPath);
    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getDirectory('testDirectory', {create:true}, function(direntry) {
            fs.root.getFile('test.txt', {create:true}, function(fileentry) {
                fileentry.copyTo(direntry, 'newname.txt', successCallback);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Full path to the copied file: /testDirectory/newname.txt
  • To look up the parent directory entry containing the current entry, you can use the getParent() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getParent(function(entry) {

    If the entry is the root of its filesystem, its parent is itself.
    The following output is shown in the system log:

  • To delete a file or directory, you can use the remove() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getFile('test.txt', {create: true}, function(fileEntry) {
            fileEntry.remove(function() {

    You cannot delete a non-empty directory or the filesystem root directory.

    The following output is shown in the system log:

  • To return a URL that can be used to identify the entry, you can use the toURL() method:

    requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 100, function(fs) {
        fs.root.getDirectory('testDirectory', {create:true}, function(entry) {
            var url = entry.toURL();
            console.log('URL: ' + url);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    URL: file:///home/owner/apps_rw/WfigBlWDyf/tmp/testDirectory/

Operate on files

To create files, see Resolving Filesystem Entries. To create a writer for a file and access file details, follow these steps:

  • To create a FileWriter object (in mobile, wearable, and TV applications), use the createWriter() method:

    var f; /* Must be a FileEntry object resolved using the methods presented before */
    f.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
        console.log('created fileWriter object for ' + fileWriter.fileName);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    created fileWriter object for testFile.txt
  • To access a File object (in mobile, wearable, and TV applications), use the file() method. The object represents the current state of the file:

    var f; /* Must be a FileEntry object resolved using methods presented before */
    f.file(function(file) {
        console.log('created file object for ' +;

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    created file object for example.txt

Read and write file content

To read and write file content, follow these steps:

  • To read a file and return the data as a base64-encoded data URL, you can use the readAsDataURL() method:

    var blob = new Blob(['abc']);
    var fileReader = new FileReader();
    fileReader.onload = function() {
        console.log('Loaded, result = ' + fileReader.result);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Loaded, result = data:;base64,YWJj
  • To read a file and return the data as a text, you can use the readAsText() method:

    var blob = new Blob(['abc']);
    var fileReader = new FileReader();
    fileReader.onload = function() {
        console.log('Loaded, result = ' + fileReader.result);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Loaded, result = abc
  • To read a file and return the data as a binary string, you can use the readAsBinaryString() method:

    var blob = new Blob(['abc']);
    var fileReader = new FileReader();
    fileReader.onload = function() {
        console.log('Loaded, result = ' + fileReader.result);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Loaded, result = abc
  • To read a file and return the data as an array buffer (byte[]), you can use the readAsArrayBuffer() method:

    var blob = new Blob(['abc']);
    var fileReader = new FileReader();
    fileReader.onload = function() {
        resultValue = fileReader.result;
        console.log('Result: ' + resultValue.toString() + ' ' + 'ByteLength: ' + resultValue.byteLength);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    Result: [object ArrayBuffer]
    ByteLength: 3
  • To abort the current operation of reading a file, you can use the abort() method:

    var blob = new Blob(['abc']);
    var fileReader = new FileReader();
    fileReader.onload = function() {
    fileReader.onabort = function() {

    The following output is shown in the system log:

  • To write data to a file, you can use the write() method:

    successCallback = function(writer) {
        writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
            console.log('write success');
        writer.write('some sample text');
    errorCallback = function(err) {
    /* Entry is a FileEntry object retrieved by getFile() of the DirectoryEntry interface */
    entry.createWriter(successCallback, errorCallback);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    write success
  • To move the file pointer to a specified byte, you can use the seek() method:

    successCallback = function(writer) {
        /* Fast forwards the file pointer to the end of file */;
    errorCallback = function(err) {
    /* Entry is a FileEntry object retrieved by getFile() of the DirectoryEntry interface */
    entry.createWriter(successCallback, errorCallback);
  • To shorten the file to the specified length, you can use the truncate() method:

    successCallback = function(writer) {
        writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
            console.log('truncate success');
    errorCallback = function(err) {
    /* Entry is a FileEntry object retrieved by getFile() of the DirectoryEntry interface */
    entry.createWriter(successCallback, errorCallback);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

    truncate success
  • To abort writing a file, you can use the abort() method:

    successCallback = function(writer) {
        writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
            console.log('write success');
        writer.onabort = function(e) {
        writer.write('some sample text');
    errorCallback = function(err) {
    /* Entry is a FileEntry object retrieved by getFile() of the DirectoryEntry interface */
    entry.createWriter(successCallback, errorCallback);

    The following output is shown in the system log:

  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 3.0 and Higher for Mobile
    • Tizen 3.0 and Higher for Wearable
    • Tizen 3.0 and Higher for TV