Getting Started

Supported Environments

  • Device
    • Tizen 9.0 or later version and equipped with armv7l architecture platform are supported.
  • Host OS
    • Windows 10 or higher versions are supported.
    • Ubuntu 18.04 or higher versions are supported.
    • macOS Big Sur to Sonoma versions are supported.


  1. Install VS Code
  2. Install Tizen SDK
    • Install VS Code Tizen Extension
    • Install Tizen Baseline SDK
      • You can install it from VS Code’s command palette(Ctrl + Shift + P) by selecting Tizen: Wizard to set Tizen Baseline SDK path or install a new.



  1. Connecting the Host PC to the Device
    • Connect the Device to the Host PC through a USB cable or IP address.
    • Use the command sdb devices to check if the connection between the Device and the Host PC is successful.
       $ sdb devices
         List of devices attached
         10000000104ab1ca        device          rpi4
  2. Launching Tizen Memory Profiler in VS Code
    • Create a new Tizen application project or open an existing project directory.
    • Installing Tizen Applicaiton
      • Select Tizen: Install Tizen application from the VS Code’s command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) to install your written application on the device.
    • Launch the application in profiling mode
      • Choose Tizen Memory Profiler: Run from the VS Code’s command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) to run the application.
      • Before running the application, you will see the following profile start selection window.


  • You can start the application in profiling mode by selecting either the Start with Heap Record or Start without Heap Record button to perform analysis.
