Metadata Element

The following table provides detailed information regarding metadata used in the tizen-manifest.xml file.

No. Metadata key Since Key description Value description Default value description Example (add below statement to the manifest.xml file)
1 3.0 Allowed application ids The service application can allow the application to launch The value is not defined <metadata key="" value="org.tizen.allowedapp"/>
2 3.0 Alias application id If the user tries to launch application using alias app id, the real application is launched The value is not defined <metadata key="" value="org.tizen.aliasapp"/>
3 4.0 Compilation preference of application dlls at installation time true or false in favor of the compilation of application dlls at install time Default behavior may differ from implementations of the platform policy and the target status <metadata key="" value="true"/>
4 4.0 Nuget caching preference across application packages true or false in favor of nuget sharing across packages Default behavior may differ from implementations of the platform policy and the target status <metadata key="" value="true"/>
5 4.0 STT engine name Write an STT engine name It does not work if there is no value <metadata key="" value="Samsung ASR N66"/>
6 4.0 Supported STT languages Write supported languages Language specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code
(for example, ““ko_KR”” for Korean, ““en_US”” for American English)
<metadata key="" value="en_US,es_US,fr_FR,ja_JP,ko_KR,zh_CN,zh_TW,zh_SG,zh_HK,de_DE,ru_RU,pt_BR,es_ES,en_GB,it_IT"/>
7 4.0 Necessity of credential key false - the credential key is not necessary
true - the credential key is necessary
Default value is false <metadata key="" value="false"/>
8 4.0 Setting app name for STT engine Write a setting app name for STT engine The setting app does not launch if there is no value <metadata key="" value="org.tizen.stt-engine-default-setting"/>
9 4.0 Whether to support silence detection Write whether to support silent detection such as EPD (End Point Detection) of speech Default value is false <metadata key="" value="true"/>
10 4.0 STT engine uuid Write an STT engine uuid It does not work if there is no value <metadata key="" value="ABCD1234-AB12-AB12-AB12-ABCDEF123456"/>
11 4.0 TTS engine name Write a TTS engine name It does not work if there is no value <metadata key="" value="Samsung TTS"/>
12 4.0 Supported TTS languages Write supported languages Language specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code
(for example, ““ko_KR”” for Korean, ““en_US”” for American English)
Voice type specified as female, male, and child
<metadata key="" value="en_US:female,ko_KR:female,de_DE:female,fr_FR:female,it_IT:female,es_ES:female"/>
13 4.0 Necessity of credential key false - the credential key is not necessary
true - the credential key is necessary
Default value is false <metadata key="" value="false"/>
14 4.0 Setting app name for TTS engine Write a setting app name for TTS engine The setting app does not launch if there is no value <metadata key="" value="org.tizen.tts-engine-default-setting"/>
15 4.0 Supported max text size Write a supported max text size as bytes It does not work if there is no value <metadata key="" value="2000"/>
16 4.0 Whether to support pitch Write whether to support pitch Default value is false <metadata key="" value="true"/>
17 4.0 TTS engine uuid Write a TTS engine uuid It does not work if there is no value <metadata key="" value="ABCD1234-AB12-AB12-AB12-ABCDEF123456"/>
18 5.5 VC engine name Write a VC engine name It does not work if there is no value <metadata key="" value="Samsung voice control engine"/>
19 5.5 Supported VC languages Write supported languages Language specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code
(for example, ““ko_KR”” for Korean, ““en_US”” for American English)
<metadata key="" value="ko_KR,en_US"/>
20 5.5 Necessity of credential key false - the credential key is not necessary
true - the credential key is necessary
Default value is false <metadata key="" value="false"/>
21 5.5 Setting app name for VC engine Write a setting app name for VC engine The setting app does not launch if there is no value <metadata key="" value=""/>
22 5.5 Whether to support non-fixed type command Write whether to support non-fixed type command Default value is false <metadata key="" value="true"/>
23 5.5 VC engine uuid Write a VC engine uuid It does not work if there is no value <metadata key="" value="ABCD1234-AB12-AB12-AB12-ABCDEF123456"/>
24 5.5 Whether to support silence detection Write whether to support silent detection such as EPD (End Point Detection) of speech Default value is false <metadata key="" value="true"/>
25 6.5 Alias widget id If widget information is created using alias id, the real widget information is created The value is not defined <metadata key="" value="org.tizen.aliaswidget"/>