
The gengrid UI component is based on the same idea as genlist. It aims to display objects on a grid layout and render only the visible ones. For more information, see the Gengrid API.

To save memory and speed up processing when many items exist, the gengrid uses the concept of “realization” when managing items. It means that a gengrid item creates its text and content (realizes) when the user scrolls the grid and the item shows up on the screen, and frees them (unrealizes) when the item is scrolled out of the screen. To enable the item realization, you must create and fill an Elm_Gengrid_Item_Class structure (gengrid item class) that informs the gengrid component which callbacks to call when an item is created or deleted. When the item is created, the text and content are retrieved by calling the text_get and content_get functions defined in the gengrid item class.

Basic usage

To use a gengrid component in your application:

  1. Add a gengrid with the elm_gengrid_add() function:

    Evas_Object *gengrid;
    gengrid = elm_gengrid_add(parent);
  2. Define the gengrid item class:

    1. Create a gengrid item class with the elm_gengrid_item_class_new() function, set a style to the item class, and register the callback functions.

      The gengrid item class must be freed manually with elm_gengrid_item_class_free() after all items are appended:

      Elm_Gengrid_Item_Class *itc = elm_gengrid_item_class_new();
      itc->item_style = "default";
      itc->func.text_get = _item_label_get;
      itc->func.content_get = _item_content_get;
      itc->func.del = _item_del;
    2. Define the text_get function.

      When a gengrid item becomes realized, the text_get function is called repeatedly for all text parts in that item. After the text is set to the part, it is freed automatically and thus manual intervention is not needed:

      static char*
      _item_label_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
          if (!strcmp(part, "elm.text"))
              return strdup("text");
              return NULL;
    3. Define the content_get function.

      The content_get function is called repeatedly for all swallow parts in the item. It must return a valid object handle to be set, or NULL when no content is desired. The object is deleted by the gengrid on its deletion or when the item is unrealized:

      static Evas_Object*
      _item_content_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
          if (!strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.icon")) {
              Evas_Object *img = elm_image_add(obj);
              elm_image_file_Set(img, "sample.png", NULL);
              return img;
          } else {
              return NULL;
    4. Define the del function.

      This function is called when the gengrid item is deleted. It deletes any data that has been allocated at the item’s creation:

      static void
      _item_del(void *data, Evas_Object *obj)
          printf("item(%d) is now deleted", (int) data);
  3. Append items to the gengrid with the elm_gengrid_item_append() function:

    elm_gengrid_item_append(gengrid, /* Gengrid object */
                            itc, /* Gengrid item class */
                            (void *)i, /* Item data */
                            _item_selected_cb, /* "selected" callback */
                            (void *)i); /* Callback data */
  4. Register the callback functions for the gengrid and its items.

    The following example shows how to define a callback when the gengrid item is selected:

    static void
    _item_selected_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
        printf("item(%d) is selected", (int) data);

Manage Gengrid items

To manage the items:

  • Add items:

    • To add an item to the end of the grid, use elm_gengrid_item_append().
    • To add an item to the beginning of the grid, use elm_gengrid_item_prepend().
    • To insert an item before the indicated item, use elm_gengrid_item_insert_before().
    • To insert an item after the indicated item, use elm_gengrid_item_insert_after().
  • Set the orientation.

    A gengrid can display its items using a horizontal or vertical layout. In the horizontal layout, the items are displayed in columns from top to bottom, starting a new column when the space for the current column is filled. In the vertical layout, items are set in rows from left to right. By default, the vertical layout is used. You can set the horizontal layout as follows:

    elm_gengrid_horizontal_set(gengrid, EINA_TRUE);
  • Delete items and clear the grid:

    • To delete a single gengrid item, use elm_object_item_del().
    • To clear the grid and delete all items, use elm_gengrid_clear().

    If a gengrid object is deleted by evas_object_del(), all items are deleted automatically. On item deletion, the del() in the item class is called.

  • Update items.

    If the content of an item changes, use elm_gengrid_item_update() for the gengrid to update the item. The gengrid re-realizes the item and calls the functions in the _Elm_Gengrid_Item_Class class for it.

    You can also use elm_gengrid_item_fields_update() to update only specific parts:

  • Select or disable items.

    To manually select an item, use elm_gengrid_item_selected_set(). To select multiple items, you must enable the multi-selection mode as follows:

    elm_gengrid_multi_select_set(gengrid, EINA_TRUE);

    To retrieve the selected item, use elm_gengrid_selected_item_get(). When the multi-selection mode is enabled, you can retrieve the selected items with the elm_gengrid_selected_items_get(), which returns a list of all selected items.

    To disable an item manually, use elm_object_item_disabled_set().


A gengrid item can have 0 or more texts, 0 or more contents, and 0 or more boolean states. The number of texts and contents depends on the Edje item theme style used for the gengrid items. In the default Tizen gengrid item theme style, the items can have 1 content parts that can be set with the elm.swallow.icon part names.

The following gengrid styles and related item styles are supported:

  • default
    • default

Figure: Gengrid styles

Gengrid styles

The following table provides more information on the available gengrid item styles:

Table: Gengrid item styles

Style Sample Text part Swallow part
elm/gengrid/item/default/default elm/gengrid/item/default/default Not Supported elm.swallow.icon


You can register callback functions connected to the following signals for a gengrid object:

Table: Gengrid callback signals

Signal Description event_info
activated The item is double-clicked or pressed (enter | return | spacebar). Elm_Object_Item
clicked,double The item is double-clicked. Elm_Object_Item
selected The item is selected. Elm_Object_Item
unselected The item is unselected. Elm_Object_Item
realized The item is created as a real evas object. Elm_Object_Item
unrealized The item is going to be unrealized. Provided content objects are deleted and the item object is deleted or put into a floating cache. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,up The item in the grid is dragged (not scrolled) up. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,down The item in the grid is dragged (not scrolled) down. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,left The item in the grid is dragged (not scrolled) left. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,right The item in the grid is dragged (not scrolled) right. Elm_Object_Item
drag,stop The item in the grid has stopped being dragged. Elm_Object_Item
drag The item in the grid is being dragged. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the dragged item
scroll,drag,start Dragging the content is started. NULL
scroll,drag,stop Dragging the content is stopped. NULL
scroll Scrolling is ongoing. NULL
edge,top The gengrid is scrolled to the top edge. NULL
edge,bottom The gengrid is scrolled to the bottom edge. NULL
edge,left The gengrid is scrolled to the left edge. NULL
edge,right The gengrid is scrolled to the right edge. NULL
moved The item is moved in the reorder mode. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the moved item
pressed The item is pressed by mouse down. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the pressed item
released The item is released by mouse up. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the released item
clicked,right The item is right-clicked. Right-clicked gengrid item
longpressed The item is pressed for a certain amount of time. By default, it is 1 second. -
changed The item is added, removed, resized, or moved, and the gengrid is resized or has horizontal property changes. -
scroll,anim,start The scrolling animation starts. -
scroll,anim,stop The scrolling animation stops. -
scroll,page,changed The visible page changes. -
item,reorder,anim,start The reorder animation starts. -
item,reorder,anim,stop The reorder animation stops. -

The signal list in the API reference can be more extensive, but only the above signals are actually supported in Tizen.


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  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 6.0 and Higher for Wearable