
The genlist UI component displays a scrollable list of items. It allows you to manage a lot of items while still being fast and having a low memory footprint, as only visible items are allocated in the memory. For more information, see the Genlist API.

This feature is supported in mobile applications only.

To save memory and speed up processing when many items exist, the genlist uses the concept of “realization” when managing items. It means that a genlist item creates its text and content (realizes) when the user scrolls the list and the item shows up on the screen, and frees them (unrealizes) when the item is scrolled out of the screen. Since item realization is dynamic, you cannot set content in advance. You need to fill the item in the form of a callback function. That is the key point of using a genlist component.

Basic Usage

To use a genlist component in your application:

  1. Add a genlist with the elm_genlist_add() function:

    Evas_Object *genlist;
    genlist = elm_genlist_add(parent);
  2. Define the genlist item class:

    1. Create a genlist item class with the elm_genlist_item_class_new() function, set a style to the item class, and register callback functions. The genlist item class must be freed manually with the elm_genlist_item_class_free() function after all items are appended.

      Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *itc = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
      itc->item_style = "default";
      itc->func.text_get = _item_label_get;
      itc->func.content_get = _item_content_get;
      itc->func.del = _item_del;
    2. Define the text_get function.

      When a genlist item becomes realized, the text_get function is called repeatedly for all text parts in that item. After the text is set to the part, it is freed automatically. Do not free it manually.

      static char*
      _item_label_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
          if (!strcmp(part, "elm.text"))
              return strdup("text");
              return NULL;
    3. Define the content_get function.

      The content_get function is called repeatedly for all swallow parts in the item. It must return a valid object handle to be set, or NULL when no content is desired. The object is deleted by the genlist on its deletion or when the item is unrealized.

      static Evas_Object*
      _item_content_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
          if (!strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.icon")) {
              Evas_Object *img = elm_image_add(obj);
              elm_image_file_Set(img, "sample.png", NULL);
              return img;
          } else {
              return NULL;
    4. Define the del function.

      This function is called when the genlist item is deleted. It deletes any data that has been allocated at the item’s creation.

      static void
      _item_del(void *data, Evas_Object *obj)
          printf("item(%d) is now deleted", (int)data);
  3. Append items to the genlist with the elm_genlist_item_append() function.

    elm_genlist_item_append(genlist, itc, (void *)i, NULL, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE,
                            _item_selected_cb, (void *)i);
  4. Register the callback functions for the genlist and its items.

    The following example shows how to define a callback for when the genlist item is selected:

    static void
    _item_selected_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
        printf("item(%d) is selected", (int)data);

The following example shows a simple use case of the genlist component.

Example: Genlist use case


Evas_Object *win;
Evas_Object *conf;
Evas_Object *nf;
Evas_Object *genlist;
Elm_Object_Item *nf_it;
Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *itc;

/* Starting right after the basic EFL UI layout code */
/* win - conformant - naviframe */

genlist = elm_genlist_add(nf);
elm_naviframe_item_push(nf, "Genlist", NULL, NULL, genlist, NULL);

itc = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
itc->item_style = "default";
itc->func.content_get = _item_content_get;
itc->func.text_get = _item_label_get;
itc->func.del = _item_del;

int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    elm_genlist_item_append(genlist, /* Genlist object */
                            itc, /* Genlist item class */
                            (void *)i, /* Item data */
                            NULL, /* Parent item */
                            ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE, /* Item type */
                            NULL, /* Select callback */
                            NULL); /* Callback data */

_item_label_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
    char buf[16];
    int i = (int) data;
    if (!strcmp(part, "elm.text")) {
        sprintf(buf, "text %d", i);

        return strdup(buf);

    else return NULL;

static Evas_Object*
_item_content_get(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part)
    if (!strcmp(part, "elm.swallow.icon")) {
        Evas_Object *img = elm_image_add(obj);
        ret = elm_image_file_set(img, ICON_DIR"/tizen.png", NULL);
        evas_object_size_hint_min_set(img, ELM_SCALE_SIZE(30), ELM_SCALE_SIZE(30));

        return img;

    else return NULL;

static void
_item_del(void *data, Evas_Object *obj)
    printf("item(%d) is now deleted", (int) data);


You can define the genlist item mode and compress mode as options. You can also select and update items.

Item Mode

The genlist defines the concept of the item mode to provide a way to enrich a list view. The genlist component is able to display trees or a group mode where scrolling keeps the item at the top of the component until another group comes and replaces it. This is most useful for title items. Establish the parent-children relationship when adding the children items.

The following item types are available:


You can use the group items in the group mode or tree mode:

  • To group several items under a parent item using the group mode, follow these steps in addition to the basic usage:

    1. Define another genlist item class which is used to append group items, and set the group_index style to it.
    2. Append group items with the ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP parameter.
    3. Append child items with the group item and the ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE parameter.

    Example: Genlist group mode use case

    Genlist group mode

    Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *itc;
    Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *gitc;
    Elm_Object_Item *g;
    int i;
    int j;
    itc = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
    itc->item_style = "default";
    itc->func.content_get = _item_content_get;
    itc->func.text_get = _item_label_get;
    itc->func.del = _item_del;
    gitc = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
    gitc->item_style = "group_index";
    gitc->func.text_get = _group_item_label_get;
    gitc->func.del = _item_del;
    for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
        g = elm_genlist_item_append(genlist,
                                    (void *)i,
                                    ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP, /* Group item */
        for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
                                    (void *)j,
                                    g, /* Pass group item as a parameter */
                                    ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE, /* Child item */
  • To group several items under a parent item using the tree mode, follow these steps in addition to the basic usage:

    1. Define another genlist item class which is used to append group items, and set the group_index/expandable style to it.
    2. Append group items with the ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_TREE parameter.
    3. Append child items with the group item and the ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE parameter.

    Example: Genlist tree mode use case

    Genlist tree mode

    Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *titc;
    Elm_Object_Item *it;
    int i;
       Register the callback functions to make the genlist
       "expanded" or "contracted" when "selected"
    evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "selected", gl_selected_cb, NULL);
    evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "expanded", gl_expanded_cb, NULL);
    evas_object_smart_callback_add(genlist, "contracted", gl_contracted_cb, NULL);
    titc = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
    titc->item_style = "group_index/expandable";
    titc->func.text_get = _group_item_label_get;
    titc->func.del = _item_del;
    for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
      it = elm_genlist_item_append(genlist,
                                   (void *)i,
                                   ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_TREE, /* Tree item */
      /* Expand each item */
      /* This causes the "expanded" callback to be called */
      elm_genlist_item_expanded_set(it, EINA_TRUE);
    static void
    gl_selected_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
        Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;
        Eina_Bool expanded = EINA_FALSE;
        expanded = elm_genlist_item_expanded_get(it);
        elm_genlist_item_expanded_set(it, !expanded);
    static void
    gl_expanded_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info)
        Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;
        Evas_Object *genlist = elm_object_item_widget_get(it);
        Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *itc;
        int i;
        itc = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
        itc->item_style = "default";
        itc->func.content_get = _item_content_get;
        itc->func.text_get = _item_label_get;
        itc->func.del = _item_del;
        for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
                                    (void *)i,
                                    it, /* Set the selected item as parent */
    static void
    gl_contracted_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED,
                     void *event_info)
        Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;

You can retrieve the parent of an item with the elm_genlist_item_parent_get() function. When the children of an item are no longer needed, you can clear them with the elm_genlist_item_subitems_clear() function.

Compress Mode

The genlist and item size can be managed through the mode set by the elm_genlist_mode_set() function:

  • ELM_LIST_COMPRESS The genlist respects its container’s geometry. Even if there are items exceeding the genlist in the transverse axis, the genlist is not scrollable in that direction.

  • ELM_LIST_SCROLL Same as ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, but if there are items exceeding the genlist in the transverse axis, the genlist is scrollable in that direction.

  • ELM_LIST_LIMIT Sets a minimum size hint on the list object, so that containers can respect it. A minimum size hint is set for its transverse axis, so that the largest item in that direction fits well.

  • ELM_LIST_EXPAND Besides setting a minimum size on the transverse axis, like ELM_LIST_LIMIT, the list sets a minimum size on the longitudinal axis, trying to reverse space to all its children to be visible at a time.

Item Selection

To select or deselect items manually, use the elm_genlist_item_selected_set() function.

By default, the genlist is in a single-selection mode: only 1 item can be selected at a time.

To manage the item selection, use the following functions:

  • elm_genlist_multi_select_set(): Activate multi-selection mode.
  • elm_genlist_selected_item_get(): Retrieve the selected item.
  • elm_genlist_selected_items_get(): Retrieve the list of the currently selected items.


The item selection comes with a highlight effect. If the user wants to cancel the highlight by touch off, you must cancel the select operation in the select() callback:

static void
select_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
    Elm_Object_Item *it = (Elm_Object_Item *)event_info;
    /* Cancel select and highlight when item is selected */
    elm_genlist_item_selected_set(it, EINA_FALSE);

Calling this function does not show or hide any child of an item (if it is a parent). You must manually delete and create them on the callbacks of the expanded or contracted signals.

Item Update

You can update the items using the following functions:

  • elm_genlist_item_update(): Update an item
  • elm_genlist_item_fields_update(): Update only specific parts:


The genlist has a separate style for itself and for its items. The genlist style determines the characteristics of the entire scrollable area.

The genlist items have a gradient opacity from the top to the bottom rather than an explicit divider since Tizen 2.4. Each item is identified by its color, made by blending its opacity and background color (or image). The solid prefix in a genlist style name means that genlist items have an explicit divider and background color. To set a genlist with a solid background color:

elm_object_style_set(genlist, "solid/default");

The following table lists the available component styles.

Table: Genlist styles

Style Sample Notes
elm/genlist/base/solid/default elm/genlist/base/solid/default N/A
default - Same as effect.
effect - When the genlist reaches its edge during scrolling, it shows an effect.
no_effect - The genlist has no effect when it reaches an edge.
handler - Enables a scrollbar that eases scrolling through the whole list.
solid/effect - N/A
solid/no_effect - N/A
solid/handler - N/A

Item Styles

The genlist item style determines the number of parts for text and content, and their arrangement within the item. For example, a default style item has 1 text part (elm.text), and 2 content parts (elm.swallow.icon and elm.swallow.end).

The following table lists the available item styles.

Table: Genlist item styles

Style Sample Text part Swallow part
elm/genlist/item/type1/default elm/genlist/item/type1/default elm.text
elm/genlist/item/type2/default elm/genlist/item/type2/default elm.text
elm/genlist/item/multiline/default elm/genlist/item/multiline/default elm.text
elm/genlist/item/full/default elm/genlist/item/full/default N/A
elm/genlist/item/group_index/default elm/genlist/item/group_index/default elm.text
elm/genlist/item/group_index/expandable/default elm/genlist/item/group_index/expandable/default elm.text N/A
elm/genlist/item/default/default elm/genlist/item/default/default elm.text elm.swallow.icon
elm/genlist/item/double_label/default elm/genlist/item/double_label/default elm.text
elm/genlist/item/one_icon/default elm/genlist/item/one_icon/default elm.text elm.swallow.icon
elm/genlist/item/end_icon/default elm/genlist/item/end_icon/default elm.text elm.swallow.end


You can register callback functions connected to the following signals for a genlist object.

Table: Genlist callback signals

Signal Description event_info
activated The item is double-clicked or pressed (enter | return | spacebar). Elm_Object_Item
clicked,double The item is double-clicked. Elm_Object_Item
selected The item is selected. Elm_Object_Item
unselected The item is unselected. Elm_Object_Item
expanded The item is to be expanded with the elm_genlist_item_expanded_set() function. The callback fills in the child items. Elm_Object_Item
contracted The item is to be collapsed with the elm_genlist_item_expanded_set() function. The callback deletes the child items. Elm_Object_Item
expand,request The user wants to expand a tree branch item. The callback decides whether the item can expand (if it has any children) and calls the elm_genlist_item_expanded_set() function to set the state. Elm_Object_Item
contract,request The user wants to collapse a tree branch item. The callback decides whether the item can collapse (if it has any children) and calls the elm_genlist_item_expanded_set() function to set the state. Elm_Object_Item
realized The item is created as a real Evas object. Elm_Object_Item
unrealized The item is going to be unrealized. Provided content objects are deleted and the item object is deleted or put into a floating cache. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,up The item in the list is dragged (not scrolled) up. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,down The item in the list is dragged (not scrolled) down. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,left The item in the list is dragged (not scrolled) left. Elm_Object_Item
drag,start,right The item in the list is dragged (not scrolled) right. Elm_Object_Item
drag,stop The item in the list has stopped being dragged. Elm_Object_Item
drag The item in the list is being dragged. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the dragged item
longpressed The item is pressed for a certain amount of time. The default specified time is 1 second. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the pressed item
scroll,anim,start The scrolling animation is started. NULL
scroll,anim,stop The scrolling animation is stopped. NULL
scroll,drag,start Dragging the content is started. NULL
scroll,drag,stop Dragging the content is stopped. NULL
scroll Scrolling is ongoing. NULL
edge,top The genlist is scrolled to the top edge. NULL
edge,bottom The genlist is scrolled to the bottom edge. NULL
edge,left The genlist is scrolled to the left edge. NULL
edge,right The genlist is scrolled to the right edge. NULL
multi,swipe,left The genlist is multi-touch-swiped left. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the swiped item
multi,swipe,right The genlist is multi-touch-swiped right. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the swiped item
multi,swipe,up The genlist is multi-touch-swiped up. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the swiped item
multi,swipe,down The genlist is multi-touch-swiped down. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the swiped item
multi,pinch,out The genlist is multi-touch-pinched out. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the pinched item
multi,pinch,in The genlist is multi-touch-pinched in. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the pinched item
swipe The genlist is swiped. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the swiped item
moved The item is moved in the reorder mode. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the moved item
moved,after The item is moved after another item in the reorder mode. To access the relative previous item, use the elm_genlist_item_prev_get() function. This signal is called along with the moved signal. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the moved item
moved,before The item is moved before another item in the reorder mode. To access the relative next item, use the elm_genlist_item_next_get() function. This signal is called along with the moved signal. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the moved item
language,changed The program language changes. NULL
tree,effect,finished The genlist tree effect is finished. NULL
pressed The item is pressed by mouse down. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the pressed item
released The item is released by mouse up. Elm_Object_Item object that contains the released item

Note The signal list in the API reference can be more extensive, but only the above signals are actually supported in Tizen.

Note Except as noted, this content is licensed under LGPLv2.1+.

  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 2.4 and Higher for Mobile