
TTS (text-to-speech) features include synthesizing text into sound data as utterances and playing them. It is also possible to pause and stop playback.

When your application creates a handle and prepares the TTS service by the API, the TTS service is invoked and connected for background work. This service and your application communicate as the server and the client, respectively.

The main features of the TTS API include:

Basic TTS processes

Using TTS, you can:

  • Create a handle and register callback functions.
    • Create a TTS handle which is used for distinguishing your application from other applications also using the TTS.
    • To get notifications about state changes, language changes, starting or finishing utterances, and errors, we should register callback functions.
  • Add text and set the mode.
    • Add the text that you want the TTS module to read out. The requested text is handled as an utterance. You can add several texts, and they are managed using a queue.
    • There is a limit on the maximum text length for one utterance, and the time spent for synthesizing is dependent on the text length.
    • Get and set the TTS mode to manage audio mixing with other sources.
  • Play, pause, and stop playback.

The TTS life-cycle is described in the following figure.

Figure: TTS life-cycle

TTS life-cycle

TTS parameters

You can set the following parameters about TTS:

  • Credential

    The credential is a key used to verify the authorization when using the TTS engine. The necessity of the credential depends on the TTS engine. If the TTS engine requests the credential, you can set it using the tts_set_credential() function.

  • Private data

    The private data is a setting parameter for applying keys provided by the TTS engine. Using the tts_set_private_data() function, you can set the private data as the corresponding key of the TTS engine.

TTS information retrieval

You can get the following information about TTS:

  • Get the current state of TTS. The state is also applied as a precondition for each function.
  • Get the current TTS service state. The service state is changed by internal behavior of the TTS service.
  • Get the default voice:
    • In TTS, the voice is defined as a combination of the language and the type, such as male or female.
    • You can request the synthesis of the text with your own voice option by the parameter of the tts_add_text() function. However, if you do not set a specific option, the TTS synthesizes the text with the default voice.
    • The user can change the default voice in the device settings by modifying the display language or the TTS default language status. If the display language is changed to a non-supported language, the TTS language is changed to UK English.
  • Get a list of supported voices to check whether the language and voice type you want are supported.
  • Get the error message when the error callback is invoked.
  • Get private data from the TTS engine.


To enable your application to use the TTS functionality, follow the steps below:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the TTS (text-to-speech) API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <tts.h> header file in your application:

    #include <tts.h>
  2. To use the TTS library, create a TTS handle

    The TTS handle is used in other TTS functions as a parameter. After the handle creation, the TTS state changes to TTS_STATE_CREATED:


    TTS is not thread-safe and depends on the Ecore main loop. Implement TTS within the Ecore main loop and do not use it in a thread.

        tts_h tts;
        int ret;
        ret = tts_create(&tts);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  3. When you no longer need the TTS library, destroy the TTS handle using the tts_destroy() function:

    destroy_tts_handle(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_destroy(tts); /* tts is the TTS handle */
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

    Do not use the tts_destroy() function in a callback function. Within a callback, the tts_destroy() function fails and returns TTS_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED.

Set and unset callbacks

The enum values, as well as the parameter details, for the callback parameters are defined in the tts.h header file.

To set and unset callbacks, follow these steps:

  1. TTS provides various callbacks to get information, such as the state changes and start or completion of an utterance.

    Set the callbacks in the TTS_STATE_CREATED state.

    You can use the following callbacks:

    • State changed

      If you set the state change callback, it is invoked when the TTS state changes:

      /* Callback */
      state_changed_cb(tts_h tts, tts_state_e previous, tts_state_e current, void* user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Set */
      set_state_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_set_state_changed_cb(tts, state_changed_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
      /* Unset */
      unset_state_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_unset_state_changed_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
    • Service State changed

      If you set the service state change callback, it is invoked when the TTS service state changes:

      /* Callback */
      service_state_changed_cb(tts_h tts, tts_service_state_e previous, tts_service_state_e current, void* user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Set */
      set_service_state_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_set_service_state_changed_cb(tts, service_state_changed_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
      /* Unset */
      unset_service_state_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_unset_service_state_changed_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
    • Default voice changed

      In the TTS library, the voice includes the language used and the voice type, such as male or female. The default voice of the TTS is changed either when the system language is changed, or through the TTS settings. To get a notification of a voice change, set the default voice changed callback:

      /* Callback */
      default_voice_changed_cb(tts_h tts, const char* previous_language, int previous_voice_type,
                               const char* current_language, int current_voice_type, void* user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Set */
      set_default_voice_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_set_default_voice_changed_cb(tts, default_voice_changed_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
      /* Unset */
      unset_default_language_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_unset_default_voice_changed_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
    • Engine changed

      If you set the engine change callback for TTS, it is invoked when the engine is changed by the TTS:

      /* Callback */
      engine_changed_cb(tts_h tts, const char* engine_id, const char* language,
                        int voice_type, bool need_credential, void* user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Set */
      set_engine_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_set_engine_changed_cb(tts, engine_changed_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
      /* Unset */
      unset_engine_changed_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_unset_engine_changed_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
    • Utterance started or completed

      If you add text in TTS, that text is handled as an utterance and it obtains its own ID. After you request the TTS process to start, the text is synthesized by an engine and played out. Each callback is invoked in the following cases:

      Callback Invoked when TTS state
      Utterance started callback Playing the synthesized audio is started TTS_STATE_READY > TTS_STATE_PLAYING
      Utterance completed callback Playing the synthesized audio is finished TTS_STATE_PLAYING (The state is NOT changed until tts_stop() is called.)

      Utterance completed callback is NOT invoked when the following occurs:

      (1) Your application calls tts_stop().

      (2) Playing the synthesized audio is stopped by another application.

      Although the utterance completed callback is not invoked, a state changed callback will be invoked. (The state will be changed from TTS_STATE_PLAYING to TTS_STATE_READY.)

      To get a notification when an utterance is started or completed, set the respective callbacks:

      /* Started callback */
      utterance_started_cb(tts_h tts, int utt_id, void* user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Completed callback */
      utterance_completed_cb(tts_h tts, int utt_id, void* user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Set */
      set_utterance_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_set_utterance_started_cb(tts, utterance_started_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
          ret = tts_set_utterance_completed_cb(tts, utterance_completed_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
      /* Unset */
      unset_utterance_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_unset_utterance_started_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
          ret = tts_unset_utterance_completed_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
    • Error

      When an error occurs, the TTS library sends a message using a callback:

      /* Callback */
      error_cb(tts_h tts, int utt_id, tts_error_e reason, void* user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Set */
      set_error_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_set_error_cb(tts, error_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
      /* Unset */
      unset_error_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_unset_error_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
    • Synthesized PCM

      When a synthesized PCM data is received from a TTS service, the TTS library sends a synthesized PCM data using a callback:

      /* Callback */
      synthesized_pcm_cb(tts_h tts, int utt_id, tts_synthesized_pcm_event_e event, const char* pcm_data, int pcm_data_size, tts_audio_type_e audio_type, int sample_rate, void *user_data)
          /* Your code */
      /* Set */
      set_synthesized_pcm_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_set_synthesized_pcm_cb(tts, synthesized_pcm_cb, NULL);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */
      /* Unset */
      unset_synthesized_pcm_cb(tts_h tts)
          int ret;
          ret = tts_unset_synthesized_pcm_cb(tts);
          if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
              /* Error handling */

Get information

To obtain the current state, the supported voice list, and the current voice, follow the steps below:

  • Get the current state using the tts_get_state() function

    The TTS state is changed by various TTS functions, and it is applied as a precondition of each function:

    get_state(tts_h tts)
        tts_state_e current_state;
        int ret;
        ret = tts_get_state(tts, &current_state);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Get the current service state using the tts_get_service_state() function

    The TTS service state is changed by various TTS functions from various TTS client:

    get_service_state(tts_h tts)
        tts_service_state_e current_state;
        int ret;
        ret = tts_get_service_state(tts, &current_state);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Obtain a list of voices supported by the TTS using the tts_foreach_supported_voices() function

    The foreach function triggers a separate callback for each supported voice. As long as the callback returns true, the foreach function continues to loop over the supported voices:

    supported_voice_cb(tts_h tts, const char* language, int voice_type, void* user_data)
        return true; /* To continue to get the next supported language */
        return false; /* To stop the loop */
    get_supported_voice(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_foreach_supported_voices(tts, supported_language_cb, NULL);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Get the default voice using the tts_get_default_voice() function

    TTS synthesizes the text using the default voice if you do not set the language and the voice type as parameters of the tts_add_text() function:

    get_default_voice(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        char* default_lang = NULL;
        int default_voice_type;
        ret = tts_get_default_voice(tts, &default_lang, &default_voice_type);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

    You can get a notification about the default voice changes by setting a default voice changed callback.

  • Get the error message

    Call this function during the TTS error callback. If not, the error as an operation failure is returned. If the function succeeds, the error message must be released using the free() function, when it is no longer required:

    error_cb(tts_h tts, int utt_id, tts_error_e reason, void* user_data)
        int ret;
        char * err_msg = NULL;
        ret = tts_get_error_message(tts, &err_msg);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
        if (NULL != err_msg) {
            /* Memory release */
            err_msg = NULL;
    get_error_message(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_set_error_cb(tts, error_cb, NULL);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

Get and set the mode

There are 3 different TTS modes available. They are described below:

  • TTS_MODE_DEFAULT: This mode is used for applications such as eBooks. If you do not set TTS mode, it will be set as TTS_MODE_DEFAULT.
  • TTS_MODE_SCREEN_READER: This mode is used for reading texts on screen such as Accessibility Menu. This is dependent on whether Accessibility Menu is turned on or not. If the Accessibility is off, TTS of an application, which sets TTS mode as TTS_MODE_SCREEN_READER, will not be operated.
  • TTS_MODE_NOTIFICATION: This mode is used for notifications such as pop-up.

When the first TTS request is being played, if a second TTS request is received, the playback of the first request will be interrupted, and the second request will be played. All TTS modes are blended with other sound sources.

Get and set the mode in the TTS_STATE_CREATED state:

set_mode(tts_h tts)
    int ret;
    tts_mode_e mode = TTS_MODE_DEFAULT;
    ret = tts_set_mode(tts, mode);
    if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
        /* Error handling */

get_mode(tts_h tts)
    int ret;
    tts_mode_e mode;
    ret = tts_get_mode(tts, &mode);
    if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
        /* Error handling */

Connect and disconnect TTS

To operate TTS, follow these steps:

  1. After you create the TTS handle, connect the background TTS service with the tts_prepare() function.

    The TTS service synthesizes the text with the engine and plays the resulting sound data. The function is asynchronous and the TTS state changes to TTS_STATE_READY:

    prepare_for_tts(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_prepare(tts);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

    If you get the error callback after calling the tts_prepare() function, TTS is not available.

  2. If you want to connect the TTS service synchronously, use the tts_prepare_sync() function.

    If the function returns no error, the connection succeeds and the TTS state changes to TTS_STATE_READY immediately:

    prepare_sync_for_tts(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_prepare_sync(tts);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  3. When the connection is no longer needed, use the tts_unprepare() function to disconnect the TTS and change the state to TTS_STATE_CREATED:

    unprepared_for_tts(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_unprepare(tts);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

Set and get options about the TTS engine

To set and get the options about the TTS engine, follow the steps below:

  • Set the credential

    The credential is a key used to verify the authorization when using the TTS engine. The necessity of the credential depends on the engine. If the engine requests the credential, you can set it using the tts_set_credential() function:

    set_credential(tts_h tts, const char* credential)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_set_credential(tts, credential);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Set and get the private data

    The private data is a setting parameter for applying keys provided by the TTS engine. Using the tts_set_private_data() function, you can set the private data and use the corresponding key of the engine. To get the private data that corresponds to a specific key from the engine, use the tts_get_private_data() function:


    The key and data are determined by the TTS engine. To set and get the private data, see the engine instructions.

    set_private_data(tts_h tts, const char* key, const char* data)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_set_private_data(tts, key, data);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
    get_private_data(tts_h tts, const char* key, char** data)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_get_private_data(tts, key, data);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

Add text

There are defined values, TTS_VOICE_TYPE_AUTO and TTS_VOICE_SPEED_AUTO, for following the default TTS setting. Those values and the minimum and maximum limits for the speed are defined in the tts.h header file.

To add text, follow the steps below:

  • You can request the TTS library to read your own text using the tts_add_text() function. The TTS library manages added text using queues, so it is possible to add several texts simultaneously. Each obtained text receives an utterance ID, which is used for synthesizing and playing the sound data.


    If the added text is too long, some engines need a long time for synthesis. It is recommended to only use proper length text clips.

    When you do not set the language and use NULL for it, the default language is used for synthesizing text.

    You can add text at any point after the tts_prepare() function changes the state to TTS_STATE_READY:

    add_text(tts_h tts)
        const char* text = "tutorial"; /* Text for read */
        const char* language = "en_US"; /* Language */
        int voice_type = TTS_VOICE_TYPE_FEMALE; /* Voice type */
        int speed = TTS_SPEED_AUTO; /* Read speed */
        int utt_id; /* Utterance ID for the requested text */
        int ret;
        ret = tts_add_text(tts, text, language, voice_type, speed, &utt_id);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • There is a length limit for the added text in the engine.

    To retrieve the maximum value, use the tts_get_max_text_size() function in the TTS_STATE_READY state:

    get_maximum_text_size(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        int size;
        ret = tts_get_max_text_size(tts, &size);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

Control playback

To start, pause, and stop the playback, follow the steps below:

  • To start synthesizing the text added in the queue and play the resulting sound data in sequence, use the tts_play() function.

    The state is changed to TTS_STATE_PLAYING, and the playback continues until you call the tts_stop() or the tts_pause() function.

    If there is no text in the queue, TTS stays in the TTS_STATE_PLAYING state for text to be added. In that case, when text is added, TTS starts synthesizing and playing it immediately. There is no need to change the state to TTS_STATE_READY by using the tts_stop() function even when there is no text in the queue. It will continue to stay in the TTS_STATE_PLAYING state:


    If the TTS state changed callback is invoked, state change can occur without any controlling functions being called. In this case, the state change takes place only when other applications request TTS play, the audio session requests TTS pause, or the TTS engine changes.

    start(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_play(tts);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • To pause the playback, use the tts_pause() function.

    The state is changed to TTS_STATE_PAUSED. To resume playback, use the tts_play() function:

    pause(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_pause(tts);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • To stop the playback, use the tts_stop() function.

    All the texts in the queue are removed, and the state is changed to TTS_STATE_READY:

    stop(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        ret = tts_stop(tts);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

Playing mode

Playing mode determines which process, either TTS service or TTS client, plays the synthesized PCM data. Described below are the 2 different types of playing modes:


Playing mode is different from TTS mode. Playing mode only determines a subject to play PCM data.

  • TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_SERVICE: TTS service plays the synthesized PCM data. If you do not set playing mode, it will be set as TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_SERVICE.
  • TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_CLIENT: TTS client receives the synthesized PCM data from TTS service, and plays it directly.

To decide between the client-side playback mode and the service-side playback mode, follow the steps below:

  • Set the playing mode

    If the application wants to play the PCM data directly instead of playing it that the application requested for synthesis in the TTS service, you can set the playback mode to TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_CLIENT. If the playback mode is not set by the user, the TTS service will synthesize the text and play it using the default value TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_SERVICE.


    If the playing mode is TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_SERVICE, you don’t need to set a callback. It will be played automatically by the TTS service. If you set the mode to TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_CLIENT, you can receive the synthesized PCM data via synthesized_pcm_callback and only change playing mode when TTS client state is TTS_STATE_CREATED. If you want to use both playing modes, it would be better to create 2 TTS handles:

    set_playing_mode(tts_h tts)
        int ret;
        int playing_mode = TTS_PLAYING_MODE_BY_CLIENT;
        ret = tts_set_playing_mode(tts, playing_mode);
        if (TTS_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 2.4 and Higher for Mobile
    • Tizen 2.3.1 and Higher for Wearable