
Gesture is a movement or position of the hand, body, head, and face, and it expresses emotion, opinion, and so on.


All Gesture APIs are deprecated since Tizen 8.0 and will be removed after two releases without any alternatives.

As there are many gesture types, various methods to recognize gestures on the device are existing. For example, hand gestures can be recognized based on gyro sensor data, and head movements can be detected with a visual camera and video frames. According to the targeted gesture, the device and the input sensor, the recognition method can be changed.

In the current Gesture, only wearable device is targeted and only hand gesture is recognized from input sensor data.

The main features of the Gesture API include:

Basic Gesture processes

To get the recognized gesture, you must follow the following processes:

  1. Create a handle and register an error callback function.
    • Create a Gesture handle, which is used for distinguishing your application from other applications that are also using Gesture.
    • To get notifications about errors, register callback functions.
  2. Check the supported gesture type.
    • Check the gesture type which can be recognized by the gesture service.
  3. Set an option for gesture recognition.
    • Set an option to select always-on mode or not.
  4. Start the gesture recognition and register a callback function for recognition results.
    • Start recognizing the gesture and to get the recognition result.
  5. Stop the gesture recognition.
  6. Destroy the handle.


To enable your application to use the Gesture functionality in wearable applications, include the <gesture.h> header file in your application:

#include <gesture.h>

Create and destroy handle

When your application creates a handle by the Gesture API, the Gesture daemon is invoked and connected for background work. This daemon and your application communicate as the server and the client.

  1. To use the Gesture library, create a Gesture handle.

    The Gesture handle is used in other Gesture functions as a parameter:

        hand_gesture_h gesture_h;
        int ret;
        ret = hand_gesture_create(&gesture_h);
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  2. When you no longer need the Gesture library, destroy the Gesture handle using hand_gesture_destroy():

    destroy_gesture_handle(hand_gesture_h gesture_h)
        int ret;
        ret = hand_gesture_destroy(gesture_h); /* gesture_h is the Gesture handle */
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

Get Gesture information

You can get the following information about Gesture:

  • Get the supported gesture types by checking whether the gesture type you want is supported or not.

    According to the Gesture engine service, the supported gesture types are different. The current Gesture engine service supports only one gesture type, HAND_GESTURE_WRIST_UP. If the Gesture engine service is changed to support more gesture types, you can check more supported gesture types using hand_gesture_is_supported_type(). The candidates of the gesture types are defined in the gesture_common.h header file as the enumerations of hand_gesture_type_e:

    is_supported_gesture_type(hand_gesture_h gesture_h, hand_gesture_type_e gesture_type, bool* is_supported)
        int ret;
        ret = hand_gesture_is_supported_type(gesture_h, gesture_type, is_supported);
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Get the information of the Gesture engine service used in current.

    You can get the application ID and name of the current Gesture engine service using hand_gesture_get_engine_info():

    get_info(hand_gesture_h gesture_h)
        int ret;
        char* engine_app_id;
        char* engine_name;
        ret = hand_gesture_get_engine_info(gesture_h, &engine_app_id, &engine_name);
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */

Set option

You can select an option to detect hand gestures continuously or not. If you want to make the application detect hand gestures continuously, set the option as HAND_GESTURE_OPTION_ALWAYS_ON using hand_gesture_set_option():

set_option(hand_gesture_h gesture_h)
    int ret;
    ret = hand_gesture_set_option(gesture_h, HAND_GESTURE_OPTION_ALWAYS_ON);
        /* Error handling */

Set and unset callbacks

The Gesture provides two types of callbacks for getting error and gesture recognition result. The enum values, as well as the parameter details, for the callback parameters are defined in the gesture.h and gesture_common.h header files.

  • Error callback

    When an error occurs, the Gesture library sends a message using a callback:


    Ensure that you set the error callback function before calling hand_gesture_start_recognition().

    /* Callback */
    error_cb(hand_gesture_h gesture_h, hand_gesture_error_e reason, const char* msg, void* user_data)
        /* Your code */
    /* Set */
    set_error_cb(hand_gesture_h gesture_h)
        int ret;
        ret = hand_gesture_set_error_cb(gesture_h, error_cb, NULL);
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
    /* Unset */
    unset_error_cb(hand_gesture_h gesture_h)
        int ret;
        ret = hand_gesture_unset_error_cb(gesture_h);
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Recognition result

    When the hand gesture is recognized, the recognized result is delivered through hand_gesture_recognition_cb().

    You can set the recognition result callback function using hand_gesture_start_recognition().

Start and stop recognizing Gesture

  1. To start recognizing the gesture, use hand_gesture_start_recognition().

    When you start the gesture recognition, you should input the gesture type targeted to be recognized. Before calling hand_gesture_start_recognition(), please check whether the target gesture type is supported or not with hand_gesture_is_supported_type().

    After calling hand_gesture_start_recognition(), the recognition results will be coming through the callback function hand_gesture_recognition_cb(). When the callback function is invoked, you can handle the recognition results by corresponding to some operations. For example, when HAND_GESTURE_WRIST_UP is occurred, you can turn on the screen of the wearable device:

    recognition_cb(hand_gesture_h gesture_h, hand_gesture_type_e gesture, double timestamp, hand_gesture_error_e error, void* user_data)
        /* Your code */
    start_recognition(hand_gesture_h gesture_h)
        int ret;
        bool is_supported = false;
        ret = hand_gesture_is_supported_type(gesture_h, HAND_GESTURE_WRIST_UP, &is_supported);
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE == ret && true == is_supported)
            ret = hand_gesture_start_recognition(gesture_h, HAND_GESTURE_WRIST_UP, recognition_cb, NULL);
            if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
                /* Error handling */
  2. To stop recognizing the gesture, use hand_gesture_stop_recognition():

    stop_recognition(hand_gesture_h gesture_h)
        int ret;
        ret = hand_gesture_stop_recognition(gesture_h);
        if (HAND_GESTURE_ERROR_NONE != ret)
            /* Error handling */
  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 6.0 and Higher for Wearable