Media Recording

Tizen offers basic recorder features, including an audio and video recorder.

The main features of the Recorder API include:

The following file formats are supported:

  • Video: mp4 and 3gp
  • Audio: m4a and amr

Valid input sources consist of internal and external microphones and a camera. The used input audio or video source depends on the currently connected audio path and camera module of the device. The recorder APIs in the video recorder serve as the interface with the hardware. Input is processed through that handle.

During testing, you can use the emulator to imitate audio or video recording, as long as your computer has a proper input source device.

The following figure illustrates the general recorder state changes.

Figure: Recorder states

Recorder states

While running applications on the emulator, audio-video synchronization errors can occur due to the computer performance.


To use the functions and data types of the Recorder (in mobile and wearable applications) and Camera (in mobile and wearable applications) APIs, include the <camera.h> and <recorder.h> header files in your application:

#include <recorder.h>
#include <camera.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

In this guide, you also need the <stdio.h> and <unistd.h> header files to use standard file input and output functions and system calls.

Preparing the Audio Recorder

To initialize the audio recorder for use:

  1. To create a handle for the audio recorder, use the recorder_create_audiorecorder() function:

    static recorder_h g_recorder;
    /* Create the audio recorder handle */
    int error_code = recorder_create_audiorecorder(&g_recorder);
    if (error_code == RECORDER_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);

    The function sets the audio recorder state to RECORDER_STATE_CREATED.

  2. To receive a notification whenever the audio recorder state changes:

    1. Register a callback using the recorder_set_state_changed_cb() function:

      error_code = recorder_set_state_changed_cb(g_recorder, _state_changed_cb, NULL);
    2. Define the state change callback.

      The following example code implements a simple callback that prints the previous and current audio recorder states:

      static void
      _state_changed_cb(recorder_state_e previous, recorder_state_e current, bool by_policy, void *user_data)
          dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "_recorder_state_changed_cb (prev: %d, curr: %d)\n", previous, current);

3. To set various audio recording attributes:

  • Set the audio codec for encoding the audio stream using the recorder_set_audio_encoder() function:

    struct tm localtime = {0};
    time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
    char filename[256] = {'\0'};
    size_t size;
    /* Set the audio encoder */
    error_code = recorder_set_audio_encoder(g_recorder, RECORDER_AUDIO_CODEC_AAC);
    /* Set the audio sample rate */
    error_code = recorder_attr_set_audio_samplerate(rec_data.recorder, 44100);

    The possible audio codec values are defined in the recorder_audio_codec_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications).

    In the emulator, set the sample rate to 44100 and use a stereo channel with the AAC codec, and set the sample rate below 8000 and use a mono channel with the AMR codec.

  • Based on the audio codec, set the correct file format using the recorder_set_file_format() function. For example, if you set the codec to AAC, set the file format to 3GP.

    /* Set the file format according to the audio encoder */
    error_code = recorder_set_file_format(g_recorder, RECORDER_FILE_FORMAT_3GP);

    The possible file format values are defined in the recorder_file_format_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications).

  • Based on the file format, define the correct file name, and set it using the recorder_set_filename() function. The function takes as a parameter the full path and name of the file to which the recorded audio data is to be stored.

    /* Create the file name */
    if (localtime_r(&rawtime, &localtime) != NULL) {
        size = snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s-%04i-%02i-%02i_%02i:%02i:%02i.3gp",
                        app_get_data_path(), FILENAME_PREFIX,
                        localtime.tm_year + 1900, localtime.tm_mon + 1, localtime.tm_mday,
                        localtime.tm_hour, localtime.tm_min, localtime.tm_sec);
    } else {
        /* Error handling */
    /* Set the full path and file name */
    /* Set the file name according to the file format */
    error_code = recorder_set_filename(g_recorder, filename);
  • Set the file size limit, encoder bitrate, audio device, and sample rate:

    /* Set the maximum file size to 1024 (kB) */
    error_code = recorder_attr_set_size_limit(g_recorder, 1024);
    /* Set the audio encoder bitrate */
    error_code = recorder_attr_set_audio_encoder_bitrate(g_recorder, 28800);
    /* Set the audio device to microphone */
    error_code = recorder_attr_set_audio_device(g_recorder, RECORDER_AUDIO_DEVICE_MIC);
    /* Set the audio sample rate */
    error_code = recorder_attr_set_audio_samplerate(g_recorder, 44100);

    The possible audio device values are defined in the recorder_audio_device_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications).

For more information on available attributes, see the Attributes API (in mobile and wearable applications).

  1. To receive a notification when the audio recorder reaches the recording limit:

    1. Register a callback using the recorder_set_recording_limit_reached_cb() function:

      error_code = recorder_set_recording_limit_reached_cb(g_recorder, _recorder_recording_limit_reached_cb, NULL);
    2. Define the recording limit callback.

      The following example code implements a simple callback that prints a notification about reaching the recording limit:

      static void
      _recorder_recording_limit_reached_cb(recorder_recording_limit_type_e type, void *user_data)
          dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "Recording limit reached: %d\n", type);

Recording Audio

To record audio:

  1. Prepare the audio recorder using the recorder_prepare() function:

    error_code = recorder_prepare(g_recorder);

    The function sets the audio recorder state to RECORDER_STATE_READY.

  2. Start recording audio using the recorder_start() function. If the target file path and name have been set to an existing file, the existing file is replaced with a new file.

    error_code = recorder_start(g_recorder);

    The function sets the audio recorder state to RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING.

  3. To pause and resume recording:

    1. Check the audio recorder state using the recorder_get_state() function:

      error_code = recorder_get_state(g_recorder, &state);

      If the state is RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING, you can pause recording.

    2. Pause recording using the recorder_pause() function:

      error_code = recorder_pause(g_recorder);

      The function sets the audio recorder state to RECORDER_STATE_PAUSED.

    3. Resume recording using the recorder_start() function.

  4. To stop recording:

    1. Check the audio recorder state using the recorder_get_state() function. If the state is RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING or RECORDER_STATE_PAUSED, you can stop recording.

    2. To stop recording:

      • To discard the recording, use the recorder_cancel() function.
      • To save the recorded data, use the recorder_commit() function.

      Both functions set the audio recorder state to RECORDER_STATE_READY.

      The following example code first checks the audio recorder state, and then stops the recorder and saves the recorded data to a file:

      /* Check the audio recorder state */
      static bool
      _recorder_expect_state(recorder_h recorder, recorder_state_e expected_state)
          recorder_state_e state;
          int error_code = recorder_get_state(recorder, &state);
          dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "recorder state = %d, expected recorder state = %d", state, expected_state);
          if (state == expected_state)
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
      /* Stop the recorder and save the recorded data to a file */
      if (_recorder_expect_state(g_recorder, RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING) || _recorder_expect_state(g_recorder, RECORDER_STATE_PAUSED)) {
          error_code = recorder_commit(g_recorder);
          if (error_code != RECORDER_ERROR_NONE) {
              dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
              return true;
  5. After you have finished recording, release all resources allocated to the audio recorder:

    1. Deregister the recording limit callback using the recorder_unset_recording_limit_reached_cb() function:

      error_code = recorder_unset_recording_limit_reached_cb(g_recorder);
    2. Reset the audio recorder using the recorder_unprepare() function.

      error_code = recorder_unprepare(g_recorder);

      The function changes the audio recorder state from RECORDER_STATE_READY to RECORDER_STATE_CREATED.

    3. Deregister the state change callback using the recorder_unset_state_changed_cb() function:

      error_code = recorder_unset_state_changed_cb(g_recorder);
    4. Release the audio recorder resources using the recorder_destroy() function:

      error_code = recorder_destroy(g_recorder);

      The function sets the audio recorder state to RECORDER_STATE_NONE.

Preparing the Video Recorder

To initialize the video recorder for use:

  1. Define a structure for storing the camera and video recorder handles and a Boolean variable specifying whether the video recorder is switched off:

    struct recdata {
        bool shutdown;
        recorder_h recorder;
        camera_h camera;
  2. Define variables for configuring the camera and video recorder:

    static const int RECORD_TIME=2;
    static const int RECORD_LIMIT=4;
    static int g_bitrate = 288000;
    static int duration;
    static int playing=0;
    static int ret;
  3. Configure the camera.

  4. Register notifications for reaching the recording limit.

  5. Configure the video recorder.

Configuring the Camera

To configure the camera:

  1. Create the structure for the camera and video recorder handles:

    static recdata rec_data;

    You can also declare variables to store, for example, the record time, video file paths, bit rate, record limit, flag, and return value.

  2. Create the camera handle using the camera_create() function. The function takes as parameters the camera handle and the hardware camera to access.

    int error_code = 0;
    rec_data.shutdown = FALSE; = NULL;
    rec_data.recorder = NULL;
    /* Create the camera handle */
    error_code = camera_create(CAMERA_DEVICE_CAMERA0, &;
    if (error_code == CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);

    The function sets the camera state to CAMERA_STATE_CREATED. To query the state, use the camera_get_state() function.

  3. Set the display for the camera preview using the camera_set_display() function. For more information, see Configuring the Camera and its Callbacks in the Camera guide.

Registering the Recording Limit Callback

To receive notifications about reaching the recording limit:

  1. Register a callback using the recorder_set_recording_limit_reached_cb() function:

    ret = recorder_set_recording_limit_reached_cb(rec_data.recorder, _recorder_recording_limit_reached_cb, 0);
  2. Define the recording limit callback.

    The following example code implements a simple callback that prints a notification about reaching the recording limit:

    static void
    _recorder_recording_limit_reached_cb(recorder_recording_limit_type_e type, void *user_data)
        dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, "Video Recorder", "Recording limit reached: %d\n", type);
  3. To test whether the callback works properly, use the sleep() function to reach the recording limit:

    ret = recorder_start(rec_data.recorder);
    sleep(RECORD_LIMIT + 1); /* Waits longer than the recording limit */
    ret = recorder_pause(rec_data.recorder);

Configuring the Video Recorder

To configure the video recorder:

  1. To create the video recorder handle, use the recorder_create_videorecorder() function. The function takes as parameters the camera handle and the video recorder handle.

    /* Create the video recorder handle */
    error_code = recorder_create_videorecorder(, &rec_data.recorder);
    if (error_code == RECORDER_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);

    The function sets the video recorder state to RECORDER_STATE_CREATED. To query the state, use the recorder_get_state() function.

  2. To receive a notification whenever the video recorder state changes:

    1. Register a callback using the recorder_set_state_changed_cb() function:

      /* Set the state change callback for the video recorder */
      error_code = recorder_set_state_changed_cb(rec_data.recorder, on_state_changed_cb, NULL);
      if (error_code == RECORDER_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    2. Define the state change callback.

      The following example code implements a simple callback that prints the previous and current video recorder states:

      /* State change callback for the video recorder */
      static void
      on_state_changed_cb(recorder_state_e previous, recorder_state_e current, bool by_asm, void *data)
          dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "_recorder_state_changed_cb (prev: %d, curr: %d)\n", previous, current);
  3. To set various video recording attributes:

    • To set the video codec for encoding the video stream:

      1. Check which video codecs the device supports.

        To check the codecs, use the recorder_foreach_supported_video_encoder() function. The function takes as its second parameter a callback that is invoked once for each codec supported by the video recorder (defined in the first parameter).

        While the callback returns true, the loop continues to the next supported codec, if any. The loop ends when the callback returns false.

        In the following example code, the callback loop ends after finding the first supported codec:

        recorder_video_codec_e supported_codec;
        static bool
        _video_encoder_cb(recorder_video_codec_e codec, void *user_data)
            recorder_video_codec_e * supported_codec = (recorder_video_codec_e*)user_data;
            *supported_codec = codec;
            return false;
        error_code = recorder_foreach_supported_video_encoder(rec_data.recorder, _video_encoder_cb, &supported_codec);

        The possible video codec values are defined in the recorder_video_codec_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications).

      2. Set the video codec using the recorder_set_video_encoder() function:

        /* Set the video encoder for the video recorder */
        error_code = recorder_set_video_encoder(rec_data.recorder, supported_codec);
    • To set the video encoder bitrate, use the recorder_attr_set_video_encoder_bitrate() function:

      /* Set the video encoder bitrate */
      error_code = recorder_attr_set_video_encoder_bitrate(rec_data.recorder, g_bitrate);
    • To set the file format for the video file:

      1. Check which file formats the device supports.

        To check the formats, use the recorder_foreach_supported_file_format() function. The function takes as its second parameter a callback that is invoked once for each format supported by the video recorder (defined in the first parameter).

      2. Set the file format using the recorder_set_file_format() function. Make sure the file format matches the video codec.

        /* Set the file format */
        error_code = recorder_set_file_format(rec_data.recorder, RECORDER_FILE_FORMAT_MP4);

        The possible file format values are defined in the recorder_file_format_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications).

    • To set the file name, use the recorder_set_filename() function. The function takes as a parameter the full path and name of the file to which the recorded video data is to be stored. Make sure the file extension matches the file format.

      struct tm localtime = {0};
      time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
      char filename[256] = {'\0'};
      size_t size;
      /* Create the file name */
      if (localtime_r(&rawtime, &localtime) != NULL) {
          size = snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s-%04i-%02i-%02i_%02i:%02i:%02i.mp4",
                          app_get_data_path(), FILENAME_PREFIX,
                          localtime.tm_year + 1900, localtime.tm_mon + 1, localtime.tm_mday,
                          localtime.tm_hour, localtime.tm_min, localtime.tm_sec);
      } else {
          /* Error handling */
      /* Set the full path and file name */
      error_code = recorder_set_filename(rec_data.recorder, filename);
    • To set the audio encoder, audio encoder bitrate, and audio sample rate, use the recorder_set_audio_encoder(), recorder_attr_set_audio_encoder_bitrate(), and recorder_attr_set_audio_samplerate() functions, as with the audio encoder.

    For more information on available attributes, see the Attributes API (in mobile and wearable applications).

Recording a Video

To record a video:

  1. Prepare the video recorder using the recorder_prepare() function:

    /* Prepare the recorder */
    error_code = recorder_prepare(rec_data.recorder);

    The function changes the video recorder state from RECORDER_STATE_CREATED to RECORDER_STATE_READY.

  2. Start recording using the recorder_start() function. If the target file path and name have been set to an existing file, the existing file is replaced with a new file.

    /* Start the recorder */
    error_code = recorder_start(rec_data.recorder);

    The function changes the video recorder state from RECORDER_STATE_READY to RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING.

  3. To pause and resume recording:

    1. Pause recording using the recorder_pause() function:

      /* Pause the recorder */
      error_code = recorder_pause(rec_data.recorder);

      The function changes the video recorder state from RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING to RECORDER_STATE_PAUSED.

    2. Resume recording using the recorder_start() function.

  4. To stop recording:

    • To stop recording without saving the recorded data, use the recorder_cancel() function. No data is saved to the target file.

      /* Stop the recorder without saving the recorded data */
      error_code = recorder_cancel(rec_data.recorder);
    • To stop recording and save the recorded data, use the recorder_commit() function. The data is saved to the target file.

      /* Stop the recorder and save the recorded data to a file */
      error_code = recorder_commit(rec_data.recorder);

    Both functions change the video recorder state from RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING or RECORDER_STATE_PAUSED to RECORDER_STATE_READY.

  5. After you have finished recording, release all resources allocated to the video recorder:

    1. Deregister the recording limit callback using the recorder_unset_recording_limit_reached_cb() function:

      /* Deregister the recording limit callback */
      ret = recorder_unset_recording_limit_reached_cb(rec_data.recorder);
    2. Reset the video recorder using the recorder_unprepare() function:

      /* Unprepare the recorder */
      error_code = recorder_unprepare(rec_data->recorder);

      The function changes the video recorder state from RECORDER_STATE_READY to RECORDER_STATE_CREATED.

    3. Deregister the state change callback using the recorder_unset_state_changed_cb() function:

      /* Deregister the state change callback */
      error_code = recorder_unset_state_changed_cb(rec_data.recorder);
    4. Release the video recorder resources using the recorder_destroy() function:

      /* Destroy the recorder handle */
      error_code = recorder_destroy(rec_data.recorder);

      The function changes the video recorder state from RECORDER_STATE_CREATED to RECORDER_STATE_NONE.

  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 2.4 and Higher for Mobile
    • Tizen 2.3.1 and Higher for Wearable