You can scroll this table.

(M) CustomLayout

This sample application demonstrates how to create a custom layout using LayoutGroup.

(M) CustomView

This sample application demonstrates how to use View.

(M) FlexLayout

This sample application demonstrates how to use FlexLayout.

(M) GridLayout

This sample application demonstrates how to use GridLayout.

(M) Layer

This sample application demonstrates how to use Layer.

(M) LinearLayout

This sample application demonstrates how to use LinearLayout.

(M) Notification

This sample application demonstrates how to use Notification.

(M) Pagination

This sample application demonstrates how to use Pagination.

(M) ScrollableBase

This sample application demonstrates how to use ScrollableBase.

(M) VideoView

This sample application demonstrates how to use VideoView.
It performs several functionalities like forward, backward, play, pause, or stop a video.

(M) View

This sample application demonstrates how to use View.
Press Next to see different View configurations.

(M) Visuals

This sample application demonstrates how to use various visuals using BorderVisual, ImageVisual, or TextVisual.

You can scroll this table.
There is no sample.
You can scroll this table.

(T) MovieLibrary

This sample application demonstrates how to show collection of available movies and display the title of a focused movie using TableView.

(T) Visual Sample

This sample application demonstrates how to use various kinds of visuals.

(T) Ball3D (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to draw a spherical 3D model, add texture to the model, and realize rotation of the model.

(T) CubeTexture (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to draw a 3D model (cube), realize rotation of the model, and add texture to the model.

It also demonstrates how the application implements two cubes independently drawn using two programs.

(T) CubeWithSkiaSharp (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to draw a text with SkiaSharp on the target memory, to generates 2D texture on the target memory block, and to shows 2D texture in the OpenTK app (drawing text on a rotating cube).

(T) Graffiti (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to respond to click events or button events and how to draw a dot or line at the corresponding position on the screen.

(T) Panorama360 (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to achieve 360-degree panorama effect.

(T) ParticleDynamic (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to implement a dynamic particle scenario.

(T) ScratchPaper (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to respond to click events or button events and how to draw corresponding textures at the corresponding position on the screen.

(T) Star (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to implement shaders loading, program creation, linking, vertex data loading, texture data loading, and other preliminary operations of drawing. It also demonstrates how to draw a multilateral graph (five-pointed star) with the DrawElements API.

(T) Triangle (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to implement shaders loading, program creation, linking, vertex data loading, texture data loading, and other preliminary operations of drawing. It also demonstrates how to implement a basic graph drawing (drawing triangles) with the DrawArrays API.

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