Current Xamarin.Forms Limitations

The following table lists the classes that are supported with minor limitations. With continuous development, Tizen .NET’s support for the Xamarin.Forms APIs will increase.


You can scroll this table.
Class Type Name Remarks Result when the feature is used
BoxView Property BackgroundColor BackgroundColor is ignored, use Color.
IsEnabled BoxView is not interactive, and enabling does not change that.
IsFocused Always false.
Focus Ignored.
Unfocus Ignored.
Event Focused Never triggered.
Unfocused Never triggered.
Button Property BorderColor Ignored.
BorderRadius Ignored.
BorderWidth Ignored.
ContentLayout Ignored.
CarouselPage Class CarouselPage Obsolete in Xamarin.Forms. Does not always work as expected.
Device Method OnPlatform<T>(T,T,T) Use OnPlatform<T> (T,T,T,T) instead. No action.
OnPlatform(Action, Action, Action, Action) Use OnPlatform(Action, Action, Action, Action, Action) instead. No action.
EntryCell Property Height Ignored.
Frame Property CornerRadius Ignored.
ImageSource Method FromResource(string resource, Assembly sourceAssembly = null) sourceAssembly should be specified. System.TypeInitializationException will be thrown when sourceAssembly is not to set.
Layout Property IsClippedToBounds Ignored.
ListView Property BackgroundColor Does not always work as expected.
IsPullToRefreshEnabled Property is always set to false. Attempts to change it to true are ignored.
IsRefreshing Always false.
SeparatorColor Separator is not visible, so the color has no effect.
SeparatorVisibility Ignored.
RowHeight This is applied when HasUnevenRows is set to true. However, RowHeight value may not be affected to Cells due to the policy of Tizen platform. Does not always work as expected.
RefreshCommand Ignored.
Method BeginRefresh() No action.
EndRefresh() No action.
Event Refreshing As IsPullToRefreshEnabled is not supported, this event is never triggered.
MasterDetailPage Method ShouldShowToolbarButton() Ignored.
Property IsGestureEnabled Does not always work as expected.
ToolbarItems Only ToolbarItems for the MasterDetailPage are shown. ToolbarItems for the Master and Detail pages are not shown.
NavigationPage Property Tint Obsolete in Xamarin.Forms. No action.
Method SetTitleIcon() No action.
GetTitleIcon() No action.
SetHasBackButtonTitle() Ignored.
Page Property Icon No action.
IsBusy Does not always work as expected.
ToolbarItems Only one ToolbarItem is supported for each Order. Primary and Default indicate the 'right' action button on the title bar. Secondary indicates the 'left' action button on the title bar. Therefore, if Secondary is used, no back button is shown. The priority of the 'left' action button is first Secondary and then the back button.
For example, if a toolbar item is assigned to Secondary, the left action button is the Secondary toolbar item. Only one toolbar item is supported for each order. If multiple toolbar items are specified, the first toolbar item is used.
Slider Property Rotation Does not always work as expected.
SwitchCell Property Height Ignored.
Intent Ignored.
TabbedPage Property BarTextColor Ignored.
TableView Property RowHeight This is applied when HasUnevenRows is set to true.
However, RowHeight value may not be affected to Cells due to the policy of Tizen platform.
Does not always work as expected.
BackgroundColor Does not always work as expected.
TextCell Property Height Ignored.
ViewCell Property View Does not always work as expected.
WebView Property Opacity Ignored.
BackgroundColor Ignored.
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