Tizen Native API
Widget Tree Navigation

These functions provide checks on whether a Evas_Object is an Elementary widget, the possibility of getting a widget's parent, top level parent, and getting a string representation of a widget's type.


Eina_Bool elm_object_widget_check (const Evas_Object *obj)
 Checks whether the given Evas Object is an Elementary widget.
Evas_Objectelm_object_parent_widget_get (const Evas_Object *obj)
 Gets the first parent of the given object that is an Elementary widget.
Evas_Objectelm_object_top_widget_get (const Evas_Object *obj)
 Gets the top level parent of an Elementary widget.
const char * elm_object_widget_type_get (const Evas_Object *obj)
 Gets the string that represents this Elementary widget.

Function Documentation

Gets the first parent of the given object that is an Elementary widget.

Since :
Use this to query an object's parent widget.
Most of the Elementary users don't mix non-Elementary smart objects in the objects tree of an application, as this is an advanced usage of Elementary with Evas. So, except for the application's window, which is the root of that tree, all other objects have valid Elementary widget parents.
[in]objThe Elementary object to query the parent from
The parent object that is an Elementary widget, otherwise NULL if it is not found

Gets the top level parent of an Elementary widget.

Since :
[in]objThe object to query
The top level Elementary widget, otherwise NULL if the parent cannot be found

Checks whether the given Evas Object is an Elementary widget.

Since :
[in]objThe object to query
EINA_TRUE if it is an elementary widget variant, otherwise EINA_FALSE
const char* elm_object_widget_type_get ( const Evas_Object obj)

Gets the string that represents this Elementary widget.

Since :
Elementary is weird and exposes itself as a single Evas_Object_Smart_Class of type "elm_widget", so evas_object_type_get() always returns that, making debug and language bindings hard. This function tries to mitigate this problem, but the solution is to change Elementary to use proper inheritance.
[in]objThe object to query
The Elementary widget name, otherwise NULL if it is not a valid widget