Tizen Native API

A multi-button entry is a widget letting an user enter text and each chunk of text managed as a set of buttons.


Each text button is inserted by pressing the "return" key. If there is no space in the current row, a new button is added to the next row. When a text button is pressed, it will become focused. Backspace removes the focus. When the multi-button entry loses focus, items longer than one line are shrunk to one line.

The typical use case of multi-button entry is composing emails/messages to a group of addresses, each of which is an item that can be clicked for further actions.

This widget inherits from the Layout one, so that all the functions acting on it also work for multi-button entry objects (

Since (EFL) :

This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from Layout :

  • "item,selected" - this is called when an item is selected by api, user interaction, and etc. this is also called when a user press back space while cursor is on the first field of entry.
  • "item,added" - when a new multi-button entry item is added.
  • "item,deleted" - when a multi-button entry item is deleted.
  • "item,clicked" - this is called when an item is clicked by user interaction. Both "item,selected" and "item,clicked" are needed.
  • "clicked" - when multi-button entry is clicked.
  • "focused" - when multi-button entry is focused.
  • "unfocused" - when multi-button entry is unfocused.
  • "expanded" - when multi-button entry is expanded.
  • "contracted" - when multi-button entry is contracted.
  • "expand,state,changed" - when shrink mode state of multi-button entry is changed.
  • "longpressed" - when multi-button entry is pressed for a long time.

Default text parts of the multi-button entry widget that you can use are:

  • "default" - A label of the multi-button entry

Default text parts of multi-button entry items that you can use are:

  • "default" - A label of the multi-button entry item

Supported elm_object_item common APIs.


Eina_Bool elm_multibuttonentry_expanded_get (const Evas_Object *obj)
 Get the value of expanded state.

Function Documentation

Get the value of expanded state.


Since :
In expanded state, the complete entry will be displayed. Otherwise, only single line of the entry will be displayed.
[in]objThe multibuttonentry object
EINA_TRUE if the widget is in expanded state. EINA_FALSE if not.