Tizen Native API


API Description
Audio I/O Provides functions for controlling audio devices.
Camera Provides functions for camera preview, capture, and focusing.
Image Util Provides support for encoding and decoding of images.
Media Codec Provides functions for encodinging and decoding using media data.
Media Tool Provides functions for AV packet buffer for interworking between mutimedia framework module.
Metadata Extractor Provides functions for extracting the metadata from an input media file.
OpenAL Audio API designed for efficient rendering of 3-D positional audio.
Player Provides functions for media playback and controlling media playback attributes.
Radio Provide functions for accessing the radio.
Recorder Provides functions for audio and video recording.
Sound Manager Provides functions to get and set sound parameters like volume and session policy.
Tone Player Provides functions for playing the tone.
WAV Player Provides functions for playing the waveform audio file format(*.wav).
libEXIF Provides functions to read and write EXIF meta information.

For more information on the Multimedia submodule features, see Multimedia Guide.
For more information on the listed open source libraries, see the open source package page.