Tizen Native API
Swallow example 2

This example will show you how to load an image using evas and fill a swallow with it. It's basically almost like the last example, but with a minor change.

This variables are used to store the name of the image that is going to be used, the path to it and a variable that will store the error cause if something goes wrong.

Here it is:

Then we load the image with this command:

To check if we had some problem we use:

Now we are going to swallow it and check if worked. If you notice we are using "part_one" as argument. We do this because we must explicit what part of our .edc file we want to swallow:

The example's window should look like this picture:


The complete .edc file:

And the source code:

To compile use this command:

 * gcc -o edje-swallow2 edje-swallow2.c -DPACKAGE_BIN_DIR=\"/Where/enlightenment/is/installed/bin\"
 * -DPACKAGE_LIB_DIR=\"/Where/enlightenment/is/installed/lib\"
 * -DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR=\"/Where/enlightenment/is/installed/share\"
 * `pkg-config --cflags --libs evas ecore ecore-evas edje`
 * edje_cc swallow.edc