Tizen Native API


void elm_list_horizontal_set (Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool horizontal)
 Enable or disable horizontal mode on the list object.
Eina_Bool elm_list_horizontal_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get a value whether horizontal mode is enabled or not.
void elm_list_select_mode_set (Elm_List *obj, Elm_Object_Select_Mode mode)
 Set the list select mode.
Elm_Object_Select_Mode elm_list_select_mode_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get the list select mode.
void elm_list_multi_select_set (Elm_List *obj, Eina_Bool multi)
 Enable or disable multiple items selection on the list object.
Eina_Bool elm_list_multi_select_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get a value whether multiple items selection is enabled or not.
void elm_list_mode_set (Elm_List *obj, Elm_List_Mode mode)
 Set which mode to use for the list object.
Elm_List_Mode elm_list_mode_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get the mode the list is at.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_selected_item_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get the selected item.
const Eina_Listelm_list_items_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get a list of all the list items.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_first_item_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get the first item in the list.
const Eina_Listelm_list_selected_items_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Return a list of the currently selected list items.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_last_item_get (const Elm_List *obj)
 Get the last item in the list.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_item_insert_before (Elm_List *obj, Elm_Object_Item *before, const char *label, Evas_Object *icon, Evas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
 Insert a new item into the list object before item before.
void elm_list_go (Elm_List *obj)
 Starts the list.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_item_insert_after (Elm_List *obj, Elm_Object_Item *after, const char *label, Evas_Object *icon, Evas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
 Insert a new item into the list object after item after.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_at_xy_item_get (const Elm_List *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, int *posret)
 Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_item_append (Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Evas_Object *icon, Evas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
 Append a new item to the list object.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_item_prepend (Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Evas_Object *icon, Evas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data)
 Prepend a new item to the list object.
void elm_list_clear (Elm_List *obj)
 Remove all list's items.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_item_sorted_insert (Elm_List *obj, const char *label, Evas_Object *icon, Evas_Object *end, Evas_Smart_Cb func, const void *data, Eina_Compare_Cb cmp_func)
 Insert a new item into the sorted list object.
void elm_list_item_separator_set (Elm_List_Item *obj, Eina_Bool setting)
 Set or unset item as a separator.
Eina_Bool elm_list_item_separator_get (const Elm_List_Item *obj)
 Get a value whether item is a separator or not.
void elm_list_item_selected_set (Elm_List_Item *obj, Eina_Bool selected)
 Set the selected state of an item.
Eina_Bool elm_list_item_selected_get (const Elm_List_Item *obj)
 Get whether the item is selected or not.
Evas_Objectelm_list_item_object_get (const Elm_List_Item *obj)
 Get the real Evas(Edje) object created to implement the view of a given list item.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_item_prev (const Elm_List_Item *obj)
 Get the item before it in list.
Elm_Object_Itemelm_list_item_next (const Elm_List_Item *obj)
 Get the item after it in list.
void elm_list_item_show (Elm_List_Item *obj)
 Show item in the list view.
void elm_list_item_bring_in (Elm_List_Item *obj)
 Bring in the given item to list view.
Evas_Objectelm_list_add (Evas_Object *parent)
 Add a new list widget to the given parent Elementary (container) object.


A list widget is a container whose children are displayed vertically or horizontally, in order, and can be selected. The list can accept only one or multiple item selections. Also has many modes of items displaying.

A list is a very simple type of list widget. For more robust lists, Genlist (Generic list) should probably be used.

This widget inherits from the Layout one, so that all the functions acting on it also work for list objects.

This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from Layout:

  • "activated" - The user has double-clicked or pressed (enter|return|spacebar) on an item. The event_info parameter is the item that was activated.
  • "clicked,double" - The user has double-clicked an item. The event_info parameter is the item that was double-clicked.
  • "clicked,right" - The user has right-clicked an item. The event_info parameter is the item that was right-clicked. (since 1.13)
  • "selected" - when the user selected an item
  • "unselected" - when the user unselected an item
  • "longpressed" - an item in the list is long-pressed
  • "edge,top" - the list is scrolled until the top edge
  • "edge,bottom" - the list is scrolled until the bottom edge
  • "edge,left" - the list is scrolled until the left edge
  • "edge,right" - the list is scrolled until the right edge
  • "highlighted" - an item in the list is highlighted. This is called when the user presses an item or keyboard selection is done so the item is physically highlighted. The event_info parameter is the item that was highlighted.
  • "unhighlighted" - an item in the list is unhighlighted. This is called when the user releases an item or keyboard selection is moved so the item is physically unhighlighted. The event_info parameter is the item that was unhighlighted.
  • "language,changed" - the program's language changed
  • "focused" - When the list has received focus. (since 1.8)
  • "unfocused" - When the list has lost focus. (since 1.8)
  • "item,focused" - When the list item has received focus. (since 1.10)
  • "item,unfocused" - When the list item has lost focus. (since 1.10)

Available styles for it are:

  • "default"

Default content parts of the list items that you can use are:

  • "start" - A start position object in the list item
  • "end" - An end position object in the list item Another parts for customized styles are not accepted.

Default text parts of the list items that you can use are:

  • "default" - A label in the list item Another parts for customized styles are not accepted.

Supported elm_object_item common APIs.

This widget implements the elm-scrollable-interface interface, so that all (non-deprecated) functions for the base Scroller widget also work for lists.

Some calls on the list's API are marked as deprecated, as they just wrap the scrollable widgets counterpart functions. Use the ones we point you to, for each case of deprecation here, instead -- eventually the deprecated ones will be discarded (next major release).

Enumeration Type Documentation

Set list's resizing behavior, transverse axis scrolling and items cropping. See each mode's description for more details.

Default value is ELM_LIST_SCROLL.

Values here don't work as bitmasks -- only one can be chosen at a time.

See also:

The list won't set any of its size hints to inform how a possible container should resize it. Then, if it's not created as a "resize object", it might end with zeroed dimensions. The list will respect the container's geometry and, if any of its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one won't be able to scroll it in that direction.


Default value. This is the same as ELM_LIST_COMPRESS, with the exception that if any of its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one will be able to scroll it in that direction.


Sets a minimum size hint on the list object, so that containers may respect it (and resize itself to fit the child properly). More specifically, a minimum size hint will be set for its transverse axis, so that the largest item in that direction fits well. This is naturally bound by the list object's maximum size hints, set externally.


Besides setting a minimum size on the transverse axis, just like on ELM_LIST_LIMIT, the list will set a minimum size on the longitudinal axis, trying to reserve space to all its children to be visible at a time. . This is naturally bound by the list object's maximum size hints, set externally.


Indicates error if returned by elm_list_mode_get()

Function Documentation

Add a new list widget to the given parent Elementary (container) object.

Since :
[in]parentThe parent object.
a new list widget handle or NULL, on errors.
This function inserts a new list widget on the canvas.
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_at_xy_item_get ( const Elm_List *  obj,
Evas_Coord  x,
Evas_Coord  y,
int *  posret 

Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.

Since :
The item at the coordinates or NULL if none
This returns the item at the given coordinates (which are canvas relative, not object-relative). If an item is at that coordinate, that item handle is returned, and if posret is not NULL, the integer pointed to is set to a value of -1, 0 or 1, depending if the coordinate is on the upper portion of that item (-1), on the middle section (0) or on the lower part (1). If NULL is returned as an item (no item found there), then posret may indicate -1 or 1 based if the coordinate is above or below all items respectively in the list.
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]xThe input x coordinate
[in]yThe input y coordinate
[out]posretThe position relative to the item returned here
void elm_list_clear ( Elm_List *  obj)

Remove all list's items.

Since :
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_first_item_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Get the first item in the list.

Since :
This returns the first item in the list.
The first item, or NULL if none
[in]objThe elm list object
void elm_list_go ( Elm_List *  obj)

Starts the list.

Since :
Call before running show() on the list object.
If not called, it won't display the list properly.
 li = elm_list_add(win);
 elm_list_item_append(li, "First", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 elm_list_item_append(li, "Second", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
[in]objThe elm list object
Eina_Bool elm_list_horizontal_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Get a value whether horizontal mode is enabled or not.

Since :
EINA_TRUE means horizontal mode selection is enabled. EINA_FALSE indicates it's disabled. If obj is NULL, EINA_FALSE is returned.
See also:
elm_list_horizontal_set() for details.
[in]objThe elm list object
void elm_list_horizontal_set ( Elm_List *  obj,
Eina_Bool  horizontal 

Enable or disable horizontal mode on the list object.

Since :
Vertical mode is set by default.
On horizontal mode items are displayed on list from left to right, instead of from top to bottom. Also, the list will scroll horizontally. Each item will presents left icon on top and right icon, or end, at the bottom.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]horizontalEINA_TRUE to enable horizontal or EINA_FALSE to disable it, i.e., to enable vertical mode.
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_item_append ( Elm_List *  obj,
const char *  label,
Evas_Object icon,
Evas_Object end,
Evas_Smart_Cb  func,
const void *  data 

Append a new item to the list object.

Since :
The created item or NULL upon failure.
A new item will be created and appended to the list, i.e., will be set as last item.
Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
Associated data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing NULL as func is enough. The same should be done for data.
Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the label after this call.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]labelThe label of the list item.
[in]iconThe icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().
[in]endThe icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.
[in]funcThe function to call when the item is clicked.
[in]dataThe data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
void elm_list_item_bring_in ( Elm_List_Item *  obj)

Bring in the given item to list view.

Since :
This causes list to jump to the given item item and show it (by scrolling), if it is not fully visible.
This may use animation to do so and take a period of time.
If animation isn't wanted, elm_list_item_show() can be used.
[in]objThe elm list item object
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_item_insert_after ( Elm_List *  obj,
Elm_Object_Item after,
const char *  label,
Evas_Object icon,
Evas_Object end,
Evas_Smart_Cb  func,
const void *  data 

Insert a new item into the list object after item after.

Since :
The created item or NULL upon failure.
A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list will be just after item after.
Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
Associated data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing NULL as func is enough. The same should be done for data.
Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the label after this call.
See also:
elm_list_item_append() for a simple code example.
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]afterThe list item to insert after.
[in]labelThe label of the list item.
[in]iconThe icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().
[in]endThe icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.
[in]funcThe function to call when the item is clicked.
[in]dataThe data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_item_insert_before ( Elm_List *  obj,
Elm_Object_Item before,
const char *  label,
Evas_Object icon,
Evas_Object end,
Evas_Smart_Cb  func,
const void *  data 

Insert a new item into the list object before item before.

Since :
The created item or NULL upon failure.
A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list will be just before item before.
Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
Associated data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing NULL as func is enough. The same should be done for data.
Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the label after this call.
See also:
elm_list_item_append() for a simple code example.
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]beforeThe list item to insert before.
[in]labelThe label of the list item.
[in]iconThe icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().
[in]endThe icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.
[in]funcThe function to call when the item is clicked.
[in]dataThe data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_item_next ( const Elm_List_Item *  obj)

Get the item after it in list.

Since :
If it is the last item, NULL will be returned.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list item object
Evas_Object* elm_list_item_object_get ( const Elm_List_Item *  obj)

Get the real Evas(Edje) object created to implement the view of a given list item.

Since :
Base object is the Evas_Object that represents that item.
[in]objThe elm list item object
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_item_prepend ( Elm_List *  obj,
const char *  label,
Evas_Object icon,
Evas_Object end,
Evas_Smart_Cb  func,
const void *  data 

Prepend a new item to the list object.

Since :
The created item or NULL upon failure.
A new item will be created and prepended to the list, i.e., will be set as first item.
Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
Associated data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing NULL as func is enough. The same should be done for data.
Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the label after this call.
See also:
elm_list_item_append() for a simple code example.
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]labelThe label of the list item.
[in]iconThe icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().
[in]endThe icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.
[in]funcThe function to call when the item is clicked.
[in]dataThe data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_item_prev ( const Elm_List_Item *  obj)

Get the item before it in list.

Since :
If it is the first item, NULL will be returned.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list item object
Eina_Bool elm_list_item_selected_get ( const Elm_List_Item *  obj)

Get whether the item is selected or not.

Since :
See also:
elm_list_selected_item_set() for details.
[in]objThe elm list item object
void elm_list_item_selected_set ( Elm_List_Item *  obj,
Eina_Bool  selected 

Set the selected state of an item.

Since :
This sets the selected state of the given item it. EINA_TRUE for selected, EINA_FALSE for not selected.
If a new item is selected the previously selected will be unselected, unless multiple selection is enabled with elm_list_multi_select_set(). Previously selected item can be get with function elm_list_selected_item_get().
Selected items will be highlighted.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list item object
[in]selectedthe selected state (EINA_TRUE selected, EINA_FALSE not selected)
Eina_Bool elm_list_item_separator_get ( const Elm_List_Item *  obj)

Get a value whether item is a separator or not.

Since :
See also:
elm_list_item_separator_set() for details.
[in]objThe elm list item object
void elm_list_item_separator_set ( Elm_List_Item *  obj,
Eina_Bool  setting 

Set or unset item as a separator.

Since :
Items aren't set as separator by default.
If set as separator it will display separator theme, so won't display icons or label.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list item object
[in]settingEINA_TRUE means item it is a separator. EINA_FALSE indicates it's not.
void elm_list_item_show ( Elm_List_Item *  obj)

Show item in the list view.

Since :
It won't animate list until item is visible. If such behavior is wanted, use elm_list_bring_in() instead.
[in]objThe elm list item object
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_item_sorted_insert ( Elm_List *  obj,
const char *  label,
Evas_Object icon,
Evas_Object end,
Evas_Smart_Cb  func,
const void *  data,
Eina_Compare_Cb  cmp_func 

Insert a new item into the sorted list object.

Since :
The created item or NULL upon failure.
This function inserts values into a list object assuming it was sorted and the result will be sorted.
A new item will be created and added to the list. Its position in this list will be found comparing the new item with previously inserted items using function cmp_func.
Items created with this method can be deleted with elm_object_item_del().
Associated data can be properly freed when item is deleted if a callback function is set with elm_object_item_del_cb_set().
If a function is passed as argument, it will be called every time this item is selected, i.e., the user clicks over an unselected item. If always select is enabled it will call this function every time user clicks over an item (already selected or not). If such function isn't needed, just passing NULL as func is enough. The same should be done for data.
Remember that the label parameter is copied inside the list. So if an application dynamically allocated the label, the application should free the label after this call.
See also:
elm_list_item_append() for a simple code example.
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]labelThe label of the list item.
[in]iconThe icon object to use for the left side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object, but usually it is an icon created with elm_icon_add().
[in]endThe icon object to use for the right side of the item. An icon can be any Evas object.
[in]funcThe function to call when the item is clicked.
[in]dataThe data to associate with the item for related callbacks.
[in]cmp_funcThe comparing function to be used to sort list items by Elm_Object_Item item handles. This function will receive two items and compare them, returning a non-negative integer if the second item should be place after the first, or negative value if should be placed before.
const Eina_List* elm_list_items_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Get a list of all the list items.

Since :
A list of list items, Elm_Object_Item, or NULL on failure.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_last_item_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Get the last item in the list.

Since :
This returns the last item in the list.
The last item, or NULL if none
[in]objThe elm list object
Elm_List_Mode elm_list_mode_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Get the mode the list is at.

Since :
see elm_list_mode_set() for more information.
[in]objThe elm list object
void elm_list_mode_set ( Elm_List *  obj,
Elm_List_Mode  mode 

Set which mode to use for the list object.

Since :
Set list's resize behavior, transverse axis scroll and items cropping. See each mode's description for more details.
Default value is ELM_LIST_SCROLL.
Only one mode at a time can be set. If a previous one was set, it will be changed by the new mode after this call. Bitmasks won't work here as well.
This function's behavior will clash with those of elm_scroller_content_min_limit(), so use either one of them, but not both.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
Eina_Bool elm_list_multi_select_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Get a value whether multiple items selection is enabled or not.

Since :
See also:
elm_list_multi_select_set() for details.
EINA_TRUE means multiple items selection is enabled. EINA_FALSE indicates it's disabled. If obj is NULL, EINA_FALSE is returned.
[in]objThe elm list object
void elm_list_multi_select_set ( Elm_List *  obj,
Eina_Bool  multi 

Enable or disable multiple items selection on the list object.

Since :
Disabled by default. If disabled, the user can select a single item of the list each time. Selected items are highlighted on list. If enabled, many items can be selected.
If a selected item is selected again, it will be unselected.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]multiEINA_TRUE to enable multi selection or EINA_FALSE to disable it.

Get the list select mode.

Since :
The select mode (If getting mode fails, it returns ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_MAX)
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
void elm_list_select_mode_set ( Elm_List *  obj,
Elm_Object_Select_Mode  mode 

Set the list select mode.

Since :
elm_list_select_mode_set() changes item select mode in the list widget.
  • ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT : Items will only call their selection func and callback when first becoming selected. Any further clicks will do nothing, unless you set always select mode.
  • ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS : This means that, even if selected, every click will make the selected callbacks be called.
  • ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_NONE : This will turn off the ability to select items entirely and they will neither appear selected nor call selected callback functions.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
[in]modeThe select mode
Elm_Object_Item* elm_list_selected_item_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Get the selected item.

Since :
The selected list item.
The selected item can be unselected with function elm_list_item_selected_set().
The selected item always will be highlighted on list.
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object
const Eina_List* elm_list_selected_items_get ( const Elm_List *  obj)

Return a list of the currently selected list items.

Since :
An list of list items, Elm_Object_Item, or NULL on failure.
Multiple items can be selected if multi select is enabled. It can be done with elm_list_multi_select_set().
See also:
[in]objThe elm list object