Tizen Native API  6.0
Dali Namespace Reference

The DALi namespace. More...


class  Actor
 Actor is the primary object with which Dali applications interact. More...
class  CameraActor
 CameraActor controls a camera. More...
class  CustomActorImpl
 CustomActorImpl is an abstract base class for custom control implementations. More...
class  CustomActor
 CustomActor is a base class for custom UI controls. More...
class  Layer
 Layers provide a mechanism for overlaying groups of actors on top of each other. More...
class  Application
 An Application class object should be created by every application that wishes to use Dali. More...
class  NativeImageSource
 Used for displaying native images. More...
class  Timer
 Mechanism to issue simple periodic or one-shot events. More...
class  TtsPlayer
 The Text-to-speech (TTS) Player. More...
class  WidgetApplication
 An WidgetApplication class object should be created by every widget application that wishes to use Dali. More...
class  Widget
 Widget class is the base class for custom widget. More...
class  Window
 The window class is used internally for drawing. More...
class  AlphaFunction
 Alpha functions are used in animations to specify the rate of change of the animation parameter over time. More...
class  Animation
 Dali::Animation can be used to animate the properties of any number of objects, typically Actors. More...
struct  LocalSource
 Identifies a property from an object. More...
struct  ParentSource
 Identifies a property from the parent of an object. More...
struct  Source
 Identifies a property from any object. More...
struct  ConstraintSource
 The source of an input property for a constraint. More...
class  Constraint
 An abstract base class for Constraints. More...
struct  EqualToConstraint
 The constraint function that updates the target property with the value of the first source. More...
struct  RelativeToConstraint
 The constraint function that updates the target property with the value of the first source multiplied by scale parameter (for Vector3 properties). More...
struct  RelativeToConstraintFloat
 The constraint function that updates the target property with the value of the first source multiplied by scale parameter (for float properties). More...
class  KeyFrames
 A set of key frames for a property that can be animated using Dali::Animation::AnimateBetween(). More...
class  LinearConstrainer
 LinearConstrainer applies constraints to objects, given a linear map. More...
class  Path
 A 3D parametric curve. More...
struct  TimePeriod
 A value-type representing a period of time within an animation. More...
class  Capture
 Capture snapshots the current scene and save as a file. More...
class  DaliException
 Exception class for Dali Core library - Raised by assertions in codebase. More...
class  VectorBase
 Base class to handle the memory of simple vector. More...
class  Vector
 Vector class with minimum space allocation when it's empty. More...
struct  Extents
 Structure describing the a collection of uint16_t. More...
class  IntrusivePtr
 Templated intrusive pointer class. More...
class  Stage
 The Stage is a top-level object used for displaying a tree of Actors. More...
struct  BasicTypes
 Basic type traits that every type has by default. More...
struct  TypeTraits
 Type traits. More...
class  GestureDetector
 GestureDetectors analyse a stream of touch events and attempt to determine the intention of the user. More...
struct  Gesture
 Base structure for different gestures that an application can receive. More...
struct  HoverEvent
 Hover events are a collection of touch points at a specific moment in time. More...
struct  KeyEvent
 The key event structure is used to store a key press. More...
class  LongPressGestureDetector
 This class emits a signals when a long press gesture occurs that meets the requirements set by the application. More...
struct  LongPressGesture
 A LongPressGesture is emitted when the user touches and holds the screen with the stated number of fingers. More...
class  PanGestureDetector
 This class looks for panning (or dragging) gestures. More...
struct  PanGesture
 A PanGesture is emitted when the user moves one or more fingers in a particular direction. More...
class  PinchGestureDetector
 This class looks for pinching gestures involving two touches. More...
struct  PinchGesture
 A PinchGesture is emitted when the user moves two fingers towards or away from each other. More...
class  TapGestureDetector
 This class emits a signal when a tap gesture occurs that meets the requirements set by the application. More...
struct  TapGesture
 A TapGesture is emitted when the user taps the screen with the stated number of fingers a stated number of times. More...
class  TouchData
 Touch events are a collection of points at a specific moment in time. More...
struct  TouchEvent
 Touch events are a collection of touch points at a specific moment in time. More...
struct  TouchPoint
 A TouchPoint represents a point on the screen that is currently being touched or where touch has stopped. More...
struct  WheelEvent
 The wheel event structure is used to store a wheel rolling, it facilitates processing of the wheel rolling and passing to other libraries like Toolkit. More...
class  BufferImage
 BufferImage represents an image resource as a pixel data buffer. More...
class  EncodedBufferImage
 EncodedBufferImage represents an image resource as a buffer of encoded pixel data. More...
class  FrameBufferImage
 FrameBufferImage represents an Open GL ES Frame Buffer Object and contains the result of an 'off screen' render pass of a RenderTask. More...
class  Image
 An Image object represents an image resource that can be used for rendering. More...
class  NativeImageInterface
 Abstract interface to provide platform-specific support for handling image data. More...
class  NativeImage
 NativeImage represents a platform specific image resource. More...
class  PixelData
 The PixelData object holds a pixel buffer . The PixelData takes over the ownership of the pixel buffer. The buffer memory must NOT be released outside of this class, instead, the PixelData object will release it automatically when the reference count falls to zero. More...
class  ResourceImage
 ResourceImage is an image loaded using a URL. More...
struct  AngleAxis
 An angle & axis pair. More...
struct  Power
 Compiles time template to calculate base to the power of N. More...
struct  Power< mantissa, 1 >
 Compiles time template to calculate base to the power of N. More...
struct  Power< mantissa, 0 >
 Compiles time template to calculate base to the power of N. More...
struct  Log
 Compiles time template to calculate base logarithm of N. More...
struct  Log< 1, base >
 Compiles time template to calculate base logarithm of N. More...
struct  Log< 0, base >
 Compiles time template to calculate base logarithm of N. More...
struct  Epsilon
 Compiles time template to calculate the machine epsilon for a given floating point number. More...
struct  Epsilon< 1 >
 Compiles time template to calculate the machine epsilon for a given floating point number. More...
struct  Epsilon< 0 >
 Compiles time template to calculate the machine epsilon for a given floating point number. More...
struct  Degree
 An angle in degrees. More...
class  Matrix
 The Matrix class represents transformations and projections. More...
class  Matrix3
 A 3x3 matrix. More...
class  Quaternion
 The Quaternion class encapsulates the mathematics of the quaternion. More...
struct  Radian
 An angle in radians. More...
struct  Rect
 Template class to create and operate on rectangles. More...
class  Uint16Pair
 Simple class for passing around pairs of small unsigned integers. More...
struct  Vector2
 A two dimensional vector. More...
struct  Vector3
 A three dimensional vector. More...
struct  Vector4
 A four dimensional vector. More...
class  Any
 Stores a value of any type. More...
class  BaseHandle
 Dali::BaseHandle is a handle to an internal Dali resource. More...
class  BaseObject
 A base class for objects. More...
class  Handle
 Dali::Handle is a handle to an internal property owning Dali object that can have constraints applied to it. More...
class  ObjectRegistry
 The ObjectRegistry notifies it's observers when an object is created. More...
struct  Property
 A Array of property values. More...
class  PropertyCondition
 This represents a condition that can be evaluated on a Property::Value. More...
class  PropertyInput
 An abstract interface for receiving property values. More...
class  PropertyNotification
 This is used to issue a notification upon a condition of the property being met. More...
class  RefObject
 Base class for reference counted objects. More...
class  TypeInfo
 TypeInfo class for instantiation of registered types and introspection of their actions and signals. More...
class  TypeRegistry
 The TypeRegistry allows registration of type instance creation functions. More...
class  TypeRegistration
 Registers a type from type info. More...
class  SignalConnectorType
 Registers a signal connector function to a registered type. More...
class  TypeAction
 Registers an action function. More...
class  PropertyRegistration
 Registers a property for the given type. More...
class  AnimatablePropertyRegistration
 Registers an animatable property for the given type. More...
class  AnimatablePropertyComponentRegistration
 Registers a component of animatable property for the given component index. More...
class  ChildPropertyRegistration
 Registers a child property for the given type. More...
class  WeakHandleBase
 Base class to store a weak pointer to an internal DALi object. More...
class  WeakHandle
 Weak handle for the given type of DALi object. More...
class  RenderTaskList
 An ordered list of Dali::RenderTasks. More...
class  RenderTask
 RenderTasks describe how the Dali scene should be rendered. More...
class  FrameBuffer
 FrameBuffer is a collection of textures that can be used as the destination for rendering. More...
class  Geometry
 Geometry is handle to an object that can be used to define a geometric elements. More...
class  PropertyBuffer
 PropertyBuffer is a handle to an object that contains a buffer of structured properties. More...
class  Renderer
 Renderer is a handle to an object used to show content by combining a Geometry, a TextureSet and a shader. More...
class  Sampler
 Sampler is a handle to an object that can be used to provide the sampling parameters to sample textures. More...
class  Shader
 Shaders allows custom vertex and color transformations in the GPU. More...
class  TextureSet
 TextureSet is a handle to an object that specifies the set of images used as textures by a renderer. The images have to be ordered in the same order they are declared in the shader. More...
class  Texture
 Texture represents a texture object used as input or output by shaders. More...
class  BaseSignal
 Implementation class for Dali::Signal. More...
class  CallbackBase
 Callback base class to hold the data for callback function and member function calls. More...
struct  Destroyer
 Dispatcher to delete an object. More...
struct  Dispatcher0
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  Dispatcher1
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  Dispatcher2
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  Dispatcher3
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  DispatcherReturn0
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  DispatcherReturn1
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  DispatcherReturn2
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  DispatcherReturn3
 Dispatcher to call the actual member function. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcher0
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcher1
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcher2
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcher3
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcherReturn0
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcherReturn1
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcherReturn2
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcherReturn3
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcher0
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcher1
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcher2
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcher3
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcherReturn0
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcherReturn1
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcherReturn2
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  VoidFunctorDispatcherReturn3
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
class  Callback
 Thin template to provide type safety for member function callbacks. More...
class  CallbackFunction
 Specializations for static function callbacks. More...
class  CallbackFunctor0
 Specializations for function object callbacks. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegate0
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  CallbackFunctor1
 Function object callback for matching callbacks to signal signature. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegate1
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  CallbackFunctor2
 Function object callback for matching callbacks to signal signature. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegate2
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  CallbackFunctor3
 Function object callback for matching callbacks to signal signature. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegate3
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  CallbackFunctorReturn0
 Function object callback for matching callbacks to signal signature. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegateReturn0
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  CallbackFunctorReturn1
 Function object callback for matching callbacks to signal signature. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegateReturn1
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  CallbackFunctorReturn2
 Function object callback for matching callbacks to signal signature. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegateReturn2
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  CallbackFunctorReturn3
 Function object callback for matching callbacks to signal signature. More...
class  CallbackFunctorDelegateReturn3
 Function object callback for connecting void() methods. More...
class  ConnectionTrackerInterface
 Interface used to track connections between signals and slots. More...
class  ConnectionTracker
 Connection tracker concrete implementation. More...
class  Signal
 Base Template class to provide signals. More...
class  Signal< void() >
 A template for Signals with no parameters or return value. More...
class  Signal< Ret() >
 A template for Signals with no parameters and a return value. More...
class  Signal< void(Arg0) >
 A template for Signals with 1 parameter. More...
class  Signal< Ret(Arg0) >
 A template for Signals with 1 parameter and a return value. More...
class  Signal< void(Arg0, Arg1) >
 A template for Signals with 2 parameters. More...
class  Signal< Ret(Arg0, Arg1) >
 A template for Signals with 2 parameters and a return value. More...
class  Signal< void(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2) >
 A template for Signals with 3 parameters. More...
class  Signal< Ret(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2) >
 A template for Signals with 2 parameters and a return value. More...
struct  FunctorDispatcher
 Dispatcher to call a functor. More...
struct  FunctorDestroyer
 Dispatcher to delete a functor object. More...
class  FunctorDelegate
 Used to connect a void() functor to a signal via BaseObject::SignalConnect(). More...
class  SlotConnection
 Slot connection is the connection information held by a connection tracker. More...
class  SignalConnection
 SignalConnection is the connection information held by the signal. More...
class  SignalObserver
 Abstract interface used by a signal to inform a slot it is disconnecting. More...
class  SlotObserver
 Abstract Interface used by a slot to inform a signal it is disconnecting. More...
class  SlotDelegate
 SlotDelegates can be used to connect member functions to signals, without inheriting from SlotDelegateInterface. More...
class  RelayoutContainer
 Interface to encapsulate information required for relayout. More...
class  WatchApplication
 A WatchApplication class object should be created by every watch application that wishes to use Dali. More...
class  WatchTime
 The WatchTime class is used to get time for the WatchApplication. More...


void UnparentAndReset (Actor &actor)
 Helper for discarding an actor handle.
DALI_ADAPTOR_API bool IsKey (const Dali::KeyEvent &keyEvent, Dali::KEY daliKey)
 Checks if a key event is for a specific DALI KEY.
void LookAt (Dali::Quaternion &current, const Dali::PropertyInputContainer &inputs)
 Constraint function to aim a camera at a target.
void DaliAssertMessage (const char *location, const char *condition)
 Method to log assertion message in DALI_ASSERT_ALWAYS macro below.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Extents &extents)
 Converts the value of the extents into a string and insert in to an output stream.
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (IntrusivePtr< T >const &lhs, IntrusivePtr< U >const &rhs)
 Comparison overrides of objects wrapped by intrusive pointers.
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (IntrusivePtr< T >const &lhs, IntrusivePtr< U >const &rhs)
 Comparison overrides of objects wrapped by intrusive pointers.
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (IntrusivePtr< T >const &lhs, U *rhs)
 Comparison overrides of objects wrapped by intrusive pointers.
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (IntrusivePtr< T >const &lhs, U *rhs)
 Comparison overrides of objects wrapped by intrusive pointers.
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (T *lhs, IntrusivePtr< U >const &rhs)
 Comparison overrides of objects wrapped by intrusive pointers.
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (T *lhs, IntrusivePtr< U >const &rhs)
 Comparison overrides of objects wrapped by intrusive pointers.
bool operator== (const Dali::AngleAxis &lhs, const Dali::AngleAxis &rhs)
 Compares two angle axis for equality.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Dali::AngleAxis &angleAxis)
 Prints an angle axis.
bool operator== (const Degree &lhs, const Degree &rhs)
 Compares equality between two degrees.
bool operator!= (const Degree &lhs, const Degree &rhs)
 Compares inequality between two degrees.
Degree Clamp (Degree angle, float min, float max)
 Clamps a radian value.
uint32_t NextPowerOfTwo (uint32_t i)
 Returns the next power of two.
bool IsPowerOfTwo (uint32_t i)
 Whether a number is power of two.
template<typename T >
const T & Clamp (const T &value, const T &min, const T &max)
 Clamp a value.
template<typename T >
void ClampInPlace (T &value, const T &min, const T &max)
 Clamp a value directly.
template<typename T >
const T Lerp (const float offset, const T &low, const T &high)
 Linear interpolation between two values.
float GetRangedEpsilon (float a, float b)
 Get an epsilon that is valid for the given range.
bool EqualsZero (float value)
 Helper function to compare equality of a floating point value with zero.
bool Equals (float a, float b)
 Helper function to compare equality of two floating point values.
bool Equals (float a, float b, float epsilon)
 Helper function to compare equality of two floating point values.
float Round (float value, int32_t pos)
 Get an float that is rounded at specified place of decimals.
float WrapInDomain (float x, float start, float end)
 Wrap x in domain (start) to (end).
float ShortestDistanceInDomain (float a, float b, float start, float end)
 Find the shortest distance (magnitude) and direction (sign) from (a) to (b) in domain (start) to (end).
template<typename T >
int32_t Sign (T value)
 Extracts the sign of a number.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Matrix &matrix)
 Prints a matrix.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Matrix3 &matrix)
 Prints a 3x3 matrix.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Quaternion &quaternion)
 Prints a Quaternion.
bool operator== (Radian lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares equality between two radians.
bool operator!= (Radian lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares inequality between two radians.
bool operator== (Radian lhs, Degree rhs)
 Compares equality between a radian and degree.
bool operator!= (Radian lhs, Degree rhs)
 Compares inequality between a radian and a degree.
bool operator== (Degree lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares equality between a degree and a radian.
bool operator!= (Degree lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares inequality between a degree and a radian.
bool operator> (Radian lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares greater than between two radians.
bool operator> (Radian lhs, Degree rhs)
 Compares greater than between a radian and a degree.
bool operator> (Degree lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares greater than between a radian and a degree.
bool operator< (Radian lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares less than between two radians.
bool operator< (Radian lhs, Degree rhs)
 Compares less than between a radian and a degree.
bool operator< (Degree lhs, Radian rhs)
 Compares less than between a degree and a radian.
Radian operator* (Radian lhs, float rhs)
 Multiplies Radian with a float.
Radian operator- (Radian in)
 Negates the radian.
Radian Clamp (Radian angle, float min, float max)
 Clamps a radian value.
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Rect< T > &lhs, const Rect< T > &rhs)
 Equality operator.
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Rect< T > &lhs, const Rect< T > &rhs)
 Inequality operator.
bool operator== (const Rect< float > &lhs, const Rect< float > &rhs)
 Equality operator specialization for float.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Rect< T > &rectangle)
 Converts the value of the rectangle into a string and insert in to an output stream.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Vector2 &vector)
 Print a Vector2.
Vector2 Min (const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b)
 Returns a vector with components set to the minimum of the corresponding component in a and b.
Vector2 Max (const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b)
 Returns a vector with components set to the maximum of the corresponding component in a and b.
DALI_CORE_API Vector2 Clamp (const Vector2 &v, const float &min, const float &max)
 Clamps each of vector v's components between minimum and maximum values.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Vector3 &vector)
 Prints a Vector3.
Vector3 Min (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
 Returns a vector with components set to the minimum of the corresponding component in a and b.
Vector3 Max (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
 Returns a vector with components set to the maximum of the corresponding component in a and b.
DALI_CORE_API Vector3 Clamp (const Vector3 &v, const float &min, const float &max)
 Clamps each of vector v's components between minimum and maximum values.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Vector4 &vector)
 Print a Vector4.
Vector4 Min (const Vector4 &a, const Vector4 &b)
 Returns a vector with components set to the minimum of the corresponding component in a and b.
Vector4 Max (const Vector4 &a, const Vector4 &b)
 Returns a vector with components set to the maximum of the corresponding component in a and b.
DALI_CORE_API Vector4 Clamp (const Vector4 &v, const float &min, const float &max)
 Clamps each of vector v's components between minimum and maximum values.
template<typename Type >
Type * AnyCast (Any *any)
 Extracts a pointer to the held type of an Any object from a pointer to that Any object (NULL if empty).
template<typename Type >
const Type * AnyCast (const Any *any)
 Extracts a const pointer to the held type of an Any object from a pointer to that Any object (NULL if empty).
template<typename Type >
Type AnyCast (Any &any)
 Extracts a held value of type Type from an Any object from a reference to that Any object.
template<typename Type >
Type AnyCast (const Any &any)
 Extracts a held value of type Type from an Any object from a const reference to that Any object.
template<typename Type >
Type & AnyCastReference (Any &any)
 Extracts a reference to the held value of type Type from an Any object from a reference to that Any object.
template<typename Type >
const Type & AnyCastReference (const Any &any)
 Extracts a const reference to the held value of type Type from an Any object from a const reference to that Any object.
template<class T >
DownCast (BaseHandle handle)
 Template wrapper to downcast a base object handle to derived class handle.
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const BaseHandle &lhs, const T &rhs)
 Equality operator.
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const BaseHandle &lhs, const T &rhs)
 Equality operator.
bool operator< (const BaseHandle &lhs, const BaseHandle &rhs)
 Less than operator.
BaseObjectGetImplementation (Dali::BaseHandle &handle)
 Gets the implementation of a handle.
const BaseObjectGetImplementation (const Dali::BaseHandle &handle)
 Gets the implementation of a handle.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Property::Array &array)
 Converts the values of the property array into a string and append to an output stream.
DALI_CORE_API PropertyCondition LessThanCondition (float arg)
 LessThanCondition compares whether property is less than arg.
DALI_CORE_API PropertyCondition GreaterThanCondition (float arg)
 GreaterThanCondition compares whether property is greater than arg.
DALI_CORE_API PropertyCondition InsideCondition (float arg0, float arg1)
 InsideCondition compares whether property is greater than arg0 and less than arg1.
DALI_CORE_API PropertyCondition OutsideCondition (float arg0, float arg1)
 OutsideCondition compares whether property is less than arg0 or greater than arg1.
DALI_CORE_API PropertyCondition StepCondition (float stepAmount, float initialValue=0.0f)
 Detects when a property changes by stepAmount from initialValue, in both positive and negative directions. This will continue checking for multiples of stepAmount.
DALI_CORE_API PropertyCondition VariableStepCondition (const Dali::Vector< float > &steps)
 Receives notifications as a property goes above/below the inputted values. Values must be ordered and can be either ascending or descending.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Property::Key &key)
 Convert the key into a string and append to an output stream.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Property::Map &map)
 Converts the key/value pairs of the property map into a string and append to an output stream.
DALI_CORE_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ouputStream, const Property::Value &value)
 Converts the value of the property into a string and append to an output stream.
bool operator== (const CallbackBase &lhs, const CallbackBase &rhs)
 Non-member equality operator.
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (void(*function)(void))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with no parameters.
template<typename P1 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (void(*function)(P1))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with one parameter.
template<typename R >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (R(*function)(void))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with no parameters and a return type.
template<typename R , typename P1 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (R(*function)(P1))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with one parameter and a return type.
template<typename P1 , typename P2 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (void(*function)(P1, P2))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with two parameters.
template<typename R , typename P1 , typename P2 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (R(*function)(P1, P2))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with two parameters and a return type.
template<typename P1 , typename P2 , typename P3 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (void(*function)(P1, P2, P3))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with three parameters.
template<typename R , typename P1 , typename P2 , typename P3 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (R(*function)(P1, P2, P3))
 Creates a callback from a C function or static member function with three parameters and a return type.
template<class T >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, void(T::*function)(void))
 Creates a callback from a class member function with no parameters.
template<class T , typename P1 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, void(T::*function)(P1))
 Creates a callback from a class member function with one parameter.
template<class T , typename P1 , typename P2 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, void(T::*function)(P1, P2))
 Creates a callback from a class member function with two parameters.
template<class T , typename P1 , typename P2 , typename P3 >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, void(T::*function)(P1, P2, P3))
 Creates a callback from a class member function with three parameters.
template<class T , typename R >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, R(T::*function)())
 Creates a callback from a class member function with no parameters and a return type.
template<class T , typename P1 , typename R >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, R(T::*function)(P1))
 Creates a callback from a class member function with one parameter and a return type.
template<class T , typename P1 , typename P2 , typename R >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, R(T::*function)(P1, P2))
 Creates a callback from a class member function with two parameters and a return type.
template<class T , typename P1 , typename P2 , typename P3 , typename R >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, R(T::*function)(P1, P2, P3))
 Creates a callback from a class member function with three parameters and a return type.
template<class T , class Base >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T *object, void(Base::*function)(void))
 Creates a callback from a class's parent member function with no parameters.
template<class T , class Base >
CallbackBaseMakeCallback (T &object, void(Base::*function)(void))
 Creates a callback from a class's parent member function with no parameters.


namespace  AnchorPoint

AnchorPoint constants.

namespace  Camera

Enumeration for camera.

namespace  ClippingMode

Enumeration for ClippingMode describing how this Actor's children will be clipped against it.

namespace  Color

Color Constants.

namespace  Configuration

Enumeration for Application configuration.

namespace  Device

Information about device types.

namespace  Dimension

Enumeration for layout Dimensions.

namespace  DrawMode

DrawMode to determine how the Actor and its children will be drawn.

namespace  FittingMode

Fitting options, used when resizing images to fit desired dimensions.

namespace  HorizontalAlignment

Enumeration for horizontal alignment types.

namespace  InputMethod

Enumeration for input method.

namespace  KeyGrab

Key grab functions.

namespace  LayoutDirection

Enumeration for the direction of the layout.

namespace  Math

Math constants.

namespace  MouseButton

Mouse Button Type.

namespace  ParentOrigin

ParentOrigin constants.

namespace  Pixel

Pixel format types and their properties.

namespace  PointState

Point state.

namespace  PropertyTypes

Template function instances for property getters.

namespace  Random

Provides methods to generate and use random values.

namespace  ResizePolicy

Enumeration for size negotiation resize policies.

namespace  SamplingMode

Filtering options, used when resizing images to sample original pixels.

namespace  SizeScalePolicy

Enumeration for policies to determine how an actor should resize itself when having its size set in size negotiation.

namespace  StyleChange

Enumeration for style change information.

namespace  Toolkit

DALi Toolkit namespace.

namespace  VerticalAlignment

Enumeration for vertical alignment types.

namespace  WeightObject

This namespace provides a convenient function to create an object with a custom "weight" property.

namespace  WrapMode

WrapMode for textures.


enum  ColorMode
 Enumeration for Actor color mode. More...
enum  KEY
 Enumeration for mapping keyboard and mouse button event keycodes to platform specific codes. More...
enum  SourceType
 Enumeration for constraint source types. More...
enum  LoadingState
 Enumeration for the status during resource loading operations. More...
enum  ViewMode
 Enumeration for stereoscopic view modes. More...
enum  PropertyRanges
 Enumeration for the property index ranges. More...


typedef Rect< float > Padding
 Padding definition.
typedef IntrusivePtr
< CustomActorImpl
 Pointer to Dali::CustomActorImpl object.
typedef Rect< int32_t > ClippingBox
 Rectangle describing area on screen that a layer can draw to.
typedef Dali::IntrusivePtr
< Dali::NativeImageSource
 Pointer to Dali::NativeImageSource.
typedef float(* AlphaFunctionPrototype )(float progress)
 Prototype of an alpha function.
typedef std::vector< TouchPointTouchPointContainer
 Container of touch points.
 Iterator for Dali::TouchPointContainer.
 Const iterator for Dali::TouchPointContainer.
typedef uint8_t PixelBuffer
 pixel data buffer
typedef Rect< uint32_t > RectArea
 rectangular area (x,y,w,h)
typedef Uint16Pair ImageDimensions
 The integer dimensions of an image or a region of an image packed into 16 bits per component.
typedef Dali::IntrusivePtr
< NativeImageInterface
 Pointer to Dali::NativeImageInterface.
typedef Vector2 Size
 Size is an alias of Dali::Vector2.
typedef Rect< int32_t > Viewport
 Typedef for a viewport ( a rectangle representing a screen area ).
typedef Signal< void(PropertyNotification
&source) > 
 Signal type for Dali::PropertyNotification::NotifySignal().


 The major version number of the Adaptor.
 The minor version number of the Adaptor.
 The micro version number of the Adaptor.
 The date/time the Adaptor library was built.
 The major version number of the Core library.
 The minor version number of the Core library.
 The micro version number of the Core library.
 The date/time the Core library was built.
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_360
 360 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_315
 315 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_270
 270 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_225
 225 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_180
 180 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_135
 135 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_120
 120 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_90
 90 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_60
 60 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_45
 45 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_30
 30 degree turn in radians
DALI_CORE_API const Radian ANGLE_0
 0 degree turn in radians

Detailed Description

The DALi namespace.

The class should implement Dali::ConnectionTrackerInterface, or inherit from Dali::ConnectionTracker.

3.0, DALi version 1.0.0

This enforces automatic disconnection when an object is destroyed, so you don't have to manually disconnect from signals.

Alternatively, you can use a Dali::SlotDelegate if you don't want to inherit.


 class MyClass : public ConnectionTracker

   void Callback( Actor actor, const TouchEvent& event )

   void Init()
     Actor actor = Actor::New();

     actor.TouchedSignal().Connect( this, &MyClass::Callback );

     // ConnectionTracker base class automatically disconnects
3.0, DALi version 1.0.0