network-audio(i) Sample Overview

Note This sample app can be run on Tizen IoT Preview #1 only.


The Network Audio sample application demonstrates how user can manage things.

The source code shows work with st-things sdk in use cases like: initialize, start, ownership transfer and resource handling.



  • To ensure proper application execution, the following privileges must be set:

  • Tizen Studio 2.0 (or later) must be installed.
  • In package manager, 4.0 Mobile in Main SDK should be installed.
  • In package manager, Extras > IOT-Headless-4.0 in Extension SDK should be installed.
  • IoT Setup Wizard(Tizen Studio Plugin) should be installed.
  • Device should be flashed via SD card on IoT Setup Wizard, and connectivity drivers should be installed.
  • User should prepare certificate(*.pem) and private key(*.der).
  • For above procedure, you can refer to Getting Started page.



  • You can develop sample app wifh Tizen Studio template custom iot-headless v4.0.
  • But in this section, let's use sample app code as importing project.
  • Download sample app, and in Tizen Studio, please import this sample app project.


Let's see thing.c file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <app_common.h>
#include "st_things.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "headlessthingsapp.h"

#define JSON_PATH "device_def.json"

static const char *URI_POWERSWITCH = "/capability/switch/main/0";
static const char *URI_VOLUME = "/capability/audioVolume/main/0";

/* handle : for getting request on resources */
static bool handle_get_request(st_things_get_request_message_s *req_msg, st_things_representation_s *resp_rep)
    DBG("resource_uri [%s]", req_msg->resource_uri);

    if (0 == strcmp(req_msg->resource_uri, URI_POWERSWITCH))
        return handle_get_request_on_switch(req_msg, resp_rep);
    if (0 == strcmp(req_msg->resource_uri, URI_VOLUME))
        return handle_get_request_on_volume(req_msg, resp_rep);

    ERR("not supported uri");
    return false;

/* handle : for setting request on resources */
static bool handle_set_request(st_things_set_request_message_s *req_msg, st_things_representation_s *resp_rep)
    DBG("resource_uri [%s]", req_msg->resource_uri);

    if (0 == strcmp(req_msg->resource_uri, URI_POWERSWITCH))
        return handle_set_request_on_switch(req_msg, resp_rep);
    if (0 == strcmp(req_msg->resource_uri, URI_VOLUME))
        return handle_set_request_on_volume(req_msg, resp_rep);

    ERR("not supported uri");
    return false;

/* initialize */
void init_thing()
    static bool binitialized = false;
    if (binitialized) {
        DBG("Already initialized!!");

    bool easysetup_complete = false;

    char app_json_path[128] = {0,};
    char *app_res_path = NULL;
    char *app_data_path = NULL;

    app_res_path = app_get_resource_path();
    if (!app_res_path) {
        ERR("app_res_path is NULL!!");

    app_data_path = app_get_data_path();
    if (!app_data_path) {
        ERR("app_data_path is NULL!!");

    snprintf(app_json_path, sizeof(app_json_path), "%s/%s", app_res_path, JSON_PATH);

    if (0 != st_things_set_configuration_prefix_path((const char *)app_res_path, (const char *)app_data_path)) {
        ERR("st_things_set_configuration_prefix_path() failed!!");


    if (0 != st_things_initialize(app_json_path, &easysetup_complete)) {
        ERR("st_things_initialize() failed!!");

    binitialized = true;

    DBG("easysetup_complete:[%d]", easysetup_complete);

    st_things_register_request_cb(handle_get_request, handle_set_request);
    st_things_register_reset_cb(handle_reset_request, handle_reset_result);




Let's see user.h and user.c file.

#ifndef __USER_H__
#define  __USER_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

bool handle_get_request_on_switch(st_things_get_request_message_s* req_msg, st_things_representation_s* resp_rep);
bool handle_set_request_on_switch(st_things_set_request_message_s* req_msg, st_things_representation_s* resp_rep);
bool handle_get_request_on_volume(st_things_get_request_message_s* req_msg, st_things_representation_s* resp_rep);
bool handle_set_request_on_volume(st_things_set_request_message_s* req_msg, st_things_representation_s* resp_rep);

bool handle_reset_request();
void handle_reset_result(bool result);
bool handle_ownership_transfer_request();
void handle_things_status_change(st_things_status_e things_status);
bool init_user();

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __USER_H__ */


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <app_common.h>
#include "st_things.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "headlessthingsapp.h"

#define VALUE_STR_LEN_MAX 32

static const char* KEY_SWITCH = "power";
static const char* VALUE_SWITCH_ON = "on";
static const char* VALUE_SWITCH_OFF = "off";
static char g_switch[VALUE_STR_LEN_MAX+1] = "off";

static const char* KEY_VOLUME = "volume";
static int64_t g_volume;

static const char* KEY_MUTE = "mute";
static bool g_mute;

static const char* KEY_VOLUME_COMMAND = "command";
static const char* VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_INC = "increase";
static const char* VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_DEC = "decrease";
static const char* VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_MAX = "max";
static const char* VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_MIN = "min";
static char g_volume_cmd[VALUE_STR_LEN_MAX+1] = "increase";


#define AUDIO_FILE_NAME "sample.mp3"

static player_h g_player;

static char audio_file[128];

/* player : get mute */
static bool user_player_is_muted(bool *muted)

    int ret;
    ret = player_is_muted(g_player, muted);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_is_muted is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

/* player : set mute */
static bool user_player_set_mute(bool muted)

    int ret;
    ret = player_set_mute(g_player, muted);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_set_mute is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

/* player : set volume */
static bool user_player_set_volume(float vol)

    int ret;
    ret = player_set_volume(g_player, vol, vol);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_set_volume is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

/* player : get volume */
static bool user_player_get_volume(float *vol)

    int ret;
    float vol2;
    ret = player_get_volume(g_player, vol, &vol2);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_get_volume is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

/* player : start player */
static bool user_player_start()

    int ret;
    ret = player_set_uri(g_player, audio_file);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_set_uri is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;
    ret = player_prepare(g_player);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_prepare is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;
    ret = player_start(g_player);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_start is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

/* player : stop player */
static bool user_player_stop()

    int ret;
    ret = player_stop(g_player);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_stop is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;
    ret = player_unprepare(g_player);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_unprepare is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;
    return true;

/* player : init player */
static bool user_player_init()

    int ret;
    ret = player_create(&g_player);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_create is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;
    ret = player_set_looping(g_player, true);
    if (ret != PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) {
        ERR("player_set_looping is failed [%d]", ret);
        return false;

    char *app_res_path = app_get_resource_path();
    snprintf(audio_file, sizeof(audio_file), "%s/%s", app_res_path, AUDIO_FILE_NAME);

    return true;

/* initialize player */
bool init_user()

    int ret;

    ret = user_player_init();

    return ret;

/* handle : for getting request on switch */
bool handle_get_request_on_switch(st_things_get_request_message_s *req_msg, st_things_representation_s *resp_rep)
    DBG("current g_switch: [%s]", g_switch);
    resp_rep->set_str_value(resp_rep, KEY_SWITCH, g_switch);

    return true;

/* handle : for setting request on switch */
bool handle_set_request_on_switch(st_things_set_request_message_s *req_msg, st_things_representation_s *resp_rep)
    DBG("current g_switch: [%s]", g_switch);

    char *str_value = NULL;
    req_msg->rep->get_str_value(req_msg->rep, KEY_SWITCH, &str_value);
    DBG("requested switch: [%s]", str_value);

    /* check validation */
    if ((0 != strncmp(str_value, VALUE_SWITCH_ON, strlen(VALUE_SWITCH_ON)))
        && (0 != strncmp(str_value, VALUE_SWITCH_OFF, strlen(VALUE_SWITCH_OFF)))) {
        ERR("Not supported value!!");
        return false;

    if (0 != strncmp(str_value, g_switch, strlen(g_switch))) {
        strncpy(g_switch, str_value, VALUE_STR_LEN_MAX);
        if (0 == strncmp(g_switch, VALUE_SWITCH_ON, strlen(VALUE_SWITCH_ON)))
    resp_rep->set_str_value(resp_rep, KEY_SWITCH, g_switch);


    return true;

/* handle : for getting request on volume */
bool handle_get_request_on_volume(st_things_get_request_message_s *req_msg, st_things_representation_s *resp_rep)
    DBG("current g_volume: [%lld], g_mute:[%d]", g_volume, g_mute);

    if (req_msg->has_property_key(req_msg, KEY_VOLUME)) {
        DBG("key[%s] exists", KEY_VOLUME);
        float temp_vol = 0.0;
        g_volume = (int64_t) (temp_vol * 100);
        DBG("current g_volume: [%lld]", g_volume);
        resp_rep->set_int_value(resp_rep, KEY_VOLUME, g_volume);

    if (req_msg->has_property_key(req_msg, KEY_MUTE)) {
        DBG("key[%s] exists", KEY_MUTE);
        DBG("current g_mute: [%d]", g_mute);
        resp_rep->set_bool_value(resp_rep, KEY_MUTE, g_mute);

    if (req_msg->has_property_key(req_msg, KEY_VOLUME_COMMAND))
        WARN("key[%s] exists..Ignore It!", KEY_VOLUME_COMMAND);

    return true;

/* handle : for setting request on volume */
bool handle_set_request_on_volume(st_things_set_request_message_s *req_msg, st_things_representation_s *resp_rep)
    DBG("current g_volume: [%lld], g_mute:[%d]", g_volume, g_mute);

    int64_t ivalue;
    if (req_msg->rep->get_int_value(req_msg->rep, KEY_VOLUME, &ivalue)) {
        DBG("requested volume: [%lld]", ivalue);
        g_volume = ivalue;
        float temp_vol = (float) (g_volume/100.);
        resp_rep->set_int_value(resp_rep, KEY_VOLUME, g_volume);

    bool bvalue;
    if (req_msg->rep->get_bool_value(req_msg->rep, KEY_MUTE, &bvalue)) {
        DBG("requested mute: [%d]", bvalue);
        g_mute = bvalue;
        resp_rep->set_bool_value(resp_rep, KEY_MUTE, g_mute);

    char *str_value = NULL;
    if (req_msg->rep->get_str_value(req_msg->rep, KEY_VOLUME_COMMAND, &str_value)) {
        DBG("requested volume_cmd: [%s]", str_value);

        strncpy(g_volume_cmd, str_value, VALUE_STR_LEN_MAX);
        if (0 == strncmp(g_volume_cmd, VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_INC, strlen(VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_INC)))
        else if (0 == strncmp(g_volume_cmd, VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_DEC, strlen(VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_DEC)))
        else if (0 == strncmp(g_volume_cmd, VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_MAX, strlen(VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_MAX)))
        else if (0 == strncmp(g_volume_cmd, VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_MIN, strlen(VALUE_VOLUME_COMMAND_MIN)))
            ERR("Not supported command");

        resp_rep->set_str_value(resp_rep, KEY_VOLUME_COMMAND, g_volume_cmd);


    return true;

/* handle : reset request*/
bool handle_reset_request()
    bool confirmed = true;
    DBG("confirmed : [%d]", confirmed);

    return confirmed;

/* handle : reset result */
void handle_reset_result(bool result)
    DBG("result : [%d]", result);

/* handle : ownership transfer request */
bool handle_ownership_transfer_request()
    bool confirmed = true;
    DBG("confirmed : [%d]", confirmed);

    return confirmed;

/* handle : for things status change */
void handle_things_status_change(st_things_status_e things_status)
    DBG("things_status : [%d]", things_status);



  • Connect your Artik530 or Raspberry Pi3 board via USB to Linux PC and turn on SDB.
  • Select Project > Mouse right click -> Run As -> Tizen Native Project
  • Figure: Network Audio > Run As

    Network Audio Run As

  • If you want to check sample app launched or not, please check Wi-Fi ( Soft AP ) is turned on in SDB shell using ifconfig.

Using your Samsung Connect App, please search and add device.

Then you can see your target board is connected to SmartThings Cloud and Samsung Connect App shows this device in UI.