File Manager Sample Overview

Mobile native

The File Manager sample demonstrates how to implement a complex view using EFL UI components and containers.

It uses UI components, such as elm_conformant, elm_naviframe, and elm_layout for the view management, containers, such as elm_popup, elm_genlist, and elm_box for UI component management inside the view. And UI components, such as elm_button, elm_image, and elm_progress for the content inside view.

The following figure illustrates the main view of the File Manager sample application, its wireframe structure, and the UI component tree.

Figure: File Manager main views

File Manager main views

File Manager main views


To manage files:

  1. Create a window:
    1. The win_create() function creates the window which consists of an indicator (elm_conformant), a view manager (elm_naviframe), and a background (elm_bg).

      window_obj *win_create()
         window_obj *obj = calloc(1, sizeof(window_obj));
         RETVM_IF(!obj, NULL, "Cannot allocate memory");
         obj->win = elm_win_add(NULL, "File Manager", ELM_WIN_BASIC);
         elm_win_conformant_set(obj->win, EINA_TRUE);
         obj->conform = elm_conformant_add(obj->win);
         evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(obj->conform, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
         elm_win_resize_object_add(obj->win, obj->conform);
         obj->bg = elm_bg_add(obj->conform);
         evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(obj->bg, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
         elm_object_part_content_set(obj->conform, "", obj->bg);
         return obj;
    2. The _app_add_naviframe() function adds the view manager (elm_naviframe) to the window. Naviframe is created using the ui_utils_navi_add() function.

      static Evas_Object* 
      _app_add_naviframe(app_data *app)
         Evas_Object *naviframe = NULL;
         Evas_Object *parent = win_get_host_layout(app->win);
         if (parent)
            naviframe = ui_utils_navi_add(parent, _app_naviframe_backbutton_cb, app);
            if (naviframe)
               win_set_layout(app->win, naviframe);
         return naviframe;
    3. The ui_utils_navi_add() function creates and adds the view manager (elm_naviframe) to the parent. In the following example, the parent is the window (elm_win).

      ui_utils_navi_add(Evas_Object *parent, Eext_Event_Cb back_cb, void *cb_data)
         RETVM_IF(!parent, NULL, "Parent is NULL");
         Evas_Object *navi = elm_naviframe_add(parent);
         eext_object_event_callback_add(navi, EEXT_CALLBACK_BACK, back_cb, cb_data);
         elm_naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed_set(navi, EINA_FALSE);
         return navi;
  2. Create the main view:
    1. The main_view_add() function creates the main layout and UI components as genlist and control bar. Then layout inserts to naviframe.
      main_view_add(app_data *app, Evas_Object *parent)
         RETVM_IF(!app, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "App object is NULL");
         RETVM_IF(!parent, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "Parent object is NULL");
         app->status.is_mainview = EINA_TRUE;
         main_view_data *data = calloc(1, sizeof(main_view_data));
         RETVM_IF(!data, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL_ALLOCATE_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate memory");
         data-> = app;
         data->view.navi = parent;
         data->storage_list = NULL;
         data->view.is_root = EINA_FALSE;
         data->view.navi_layout = ui_utils_layout_add(data->view.navi, _main_view_del_cb, data);
         if (!data->view.navi_layout)
            ERR("Failed to create layout");
            return RESULT_TYPE_FAIL;
         elm_layout_file_set(data->view.navi_layout, ui_utils_get_resource(FM_LAYOUT_EDJ), "navi_layout");
         int result = navigator_add_view(data->>navigator, FM_MAIN_VIEW_TITLE, &data->view);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to add view to naviframe");
            return result;
         result = _main_view_create_widgets(data);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to create widgets");
            return result;
         result = _main_view_fill(data);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to initialize main view");
            return result;
         elm_object_item_data_set(data->view.navi_item, data);
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    2. Figure: File Manager main view layout

      File Manager main view layout

    3. The ui_utils_genlist_add() function creates the genlist:
      ui_utils_genlist_add(Evas_Object *parent, Evas_Object_Event_Cb destroy_cb, void *cb_data)
         Evas_Object *genlist = elm_genlist_add(parent);
         RETVM_IF(!genlist, NULL, "Genlist is NULL");
         evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(genlist, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
         evas_object_size_hint_align_set(genlist, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
         evas_object_event_callback_add(genlist, EVAS_CALLBACK_FREE, destroy_cb, cb_data);
         return genlist;
    4. The _main_view_fill() function gets content using the fs_manager_get_storage_list() function and sets to the genlist using the genlist_widget_content_set() function.
      static int 
      _main_view_fill(main_view_data *data)
         int res = fs_manager_get_storage_list(data->>manager, &data->storage_list);
         RETVM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, res, "Failed to get storage list");
         genlist_widget_content_set(data->genlist_widget, data->storage_list);
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    5. The genlist_widget_content_set() function sets the content from the list to the genlist.
      genlist_widget_content_set(genlist_widget *widget, const Eina_List *file_list)
         RETM_IF(!widget, "Widget is NULL");
         const Eina_List *list = NULL;
         void *item = NULL;
         EINA_LIST_FOREACH(file_list, list, item)
            Elm_Object_Item *node_item = elm_genlist_item_append(widget->genlist, &itc, item, NULL,
                  ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE, _genlist_widget_item_sel_cb, widget);
            elm_object_item_data_set(node_item, item);
  3. Create the storage view:
    1. The list_view_add() function creates and shows the storage view. It creates the layout and UI components as navigation path, genlist, and control bar. Then the layout is inserted to naviframe.
      list_view_add(app_data *app, Evas_Object *parent, const char *path, const char *dir_name)
         RETVM_IF(!app, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "App object is NULL");
         RETVM_IF(!parent, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "Parent object is NULL");
         RETVM_IF(!path, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "Path is NULL");
         app->status.is_mainview = EINA_FALSE;
         list_view_data *data = calloc(1, sizeof(list_view_data));
         RETVM_IF(!data, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL_ALLOCATE_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate memory");
         data-> = app;
         data->list_view.navi = parent;
         data->list_view.curr_path = (dir_name) ? common_util_strconcat(path, "/", dir_name, NULL)
                                     : strdup(path);
         data->list_view.is_root = model_utils_is_root_path(data->list_view.curr_path);
         data->file_list = NULL;
         data->list_view.navi_layout = ui_utils_layout_add(data->list_view.navi, _list_view_del_cb, data);
         if (!data->list_view.navi_layout)
            ERR("Failed to create Layout");
            return RESULT_TYPE_FAIL;
         elm_layout_file_set(data->list_view.navi_layout, ui_utils_get_resource(FM_LAYOUT_EDJ), "navi_layout");
         int result = fs_manager_get_file_list(data->>manager, data->list_view.curr_path, &data->file_list);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to get file list");
            return result;
         const char *title = ui_utils_title_get(data->list_view.curr_path);
         result = navigator_add_view(data->>navigator, title, &data->list_view);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to add view to naviframe");
            return result;
         result = _list_view_create_widgets(data);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to create widgets");
            return result;
         Eina_List *path_list = NULL;
         int res = navi_path_storage_get_path_list(app->path_storage, &path_list);
         RETVM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, res, "Failed to get folders list for navigation widget");
         navi_path_widget_content_set(data->navi_path_wgt, path_list);
         elm_object_item_data_set(data->list_view.navi_item, data);
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;

      Figure: File Manager storage view layout

      File Manager storage view layout

    2. The navi_path_widget_add() function adds the navigation path component to the view. The UI component consists of the layout (elm_layout), table (elm_table), and scroller (elm_scroller).
      navi_path_widget *navi_path_widget_add(view_data *view)
         RETVM_IF(!view, NULL, "View object is NULL");
         navi_path_widget *widget = calloc(1, sizeof(navi_path_widget));
         RETVM_IF(!widget, NULL, "Failed to allocate memory");
         widget->table_size = 0;
         widget->view = view;
         widget->navi_path_layout = ui_utils_genlist_add(widget->view->navi_layout, _navi_path_widget_delete_cb, widget);
         if (!widget->navi_path_layout)
            ERR("Layout is NULL");
            return NULL;
         evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(widget->navi_path_layout, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
         evas_object_size_hint_align_set(widget->navi_path_layout, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
         elm_layout_file_set(widget->navi_path_layout, ui_utils_get_resource(FM_LAYOUT_EDJ), "path_info");
         widget->navi_path_scroller = elm_scroller_add(widget->navi_path_layout);
         if (!widget->navi_path_scroller)
            ERR("Scroller is NULL");
            return NULL;
         elm_scroller_bounce_set(widget->navi_path_scroller, EINA_TRUE, EINA_FALSE);
         elm_scroller_policy_set(widget->navi_path_scroller, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF);
         evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(widget->navi_path_scroller, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
         evas_object_size_hint_align_set(widget->navi_path_scroller, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
         widget->navi_path_table = elm_table_add(widget->navi_path_layout);
         if (!widget->navi_path_table)
            ERR("Table is NULL");
            return NULL;
         evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(widget->navi_path_table, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
         evas_object_size_hint_align_set(widget->navi_path_table, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
         elm_object_content_set(widget->navi_path_scroller, widget->navi_path_table);
         elm_object_part_content_set(widget->navi_path_layout, "info", widget->navi_path_scroller);
         elm_object_part_content_set(widget->view->navi_layout, "header_box", widget->navi_path_layout);
         return widget;
  4. Edit files.

    The following figure illustrates the main functionalities of the File Manager.

    Figure: File Manager functionalities

    File Manager functionalities

    1. After clicking the Edit Mode button, the genlist_widget_update() and ctrl_bar_widget_mode_update() functions are called.

    2. The genlist_widget_update() function updates the style of the genlist items. If it is in the edit mode, checkboxes and the Select All genlist is shown.

      genlist_widget_update(genlist_widget *widget)
         RETVM_IF(!widget->view, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "View object is NULL");
         app_data *app = widget->view->app;
         if (app->status.curr_mode == MODE_EDIT)
            elm_layout_signal_emit(widget->view->navi_layout, "show_select_all", "");
            elm_layout_signal_emit(widget->view->navi_layout, "hide_select_all", "");
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    3. The ctrl_bar_widget_mode_update() function updates the buttons in the toolbar. In the edit mode, the toolbar shows the delete, copy, move, and exit functionalities.

      ctrl_bar_widget_mode_update(ctrl_bar_widget *widget)
         RETVM_IF(!widget, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL, "Widget object is NULL");
         RETVM_IF(!widget->view, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL, "View object is NULL");
         RETVM_IF(!widget->ctrl_bar, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL, "Ctrl bar object is NULL");
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
      static void 
      _ctrl_bar_widget_add_update_buttons(ctrl_bar_widget *widget)
         if (app->status.curr_mode == MODE_DEFAULT)
            Elm_Object_Item *edit_item = elm_toolbar_item_append(widget->ctrl_bar, NULL, FM_TOOLBAR_TEXT_EDIT, _ctrl_bar_widget_edit_btn_cb, widget);
            elm_toolbar_item_append(widget->ctrl_bar, NULL, FM_TOOLBAR_TEXT_MORE, _ctrl_bar_widget_more_btn_cb, widget);
            elm_toolbar_item_append(widget->ctrl_bar, NULL, FM_TOOLBAR_TEXT_EXIT, _ctrl_bar_widget_exit_btn_cb, widget);
            if (list_view_items_count_get(widget->view) < 1)
               elm_object_item_disabled_set(edit_item, EINA_TRUE);
         else if (app->status.curr_mode == MODE_EDIT)
            elm_toolbar_item_append(widget->ctrl_bar, NULL, FM_TOOLBAR_TEXT_DELETE, _ctrl_bar_widget_delete_btn_cb, widget);
            elm_toolbar_item_append(widget->ctrl_bar, NULL, FM_TOOLBAR_TEXT_MOVE, _ctrl_bar_widget_move_btn_cb, widget);
            elm_toolbar_item_append(widget->ctrl_bar, NULL, FM_TOOLBAR_TEXT_COPY, _ctrl_bar_widget_copy_btn_cb, widget);
            elm_toolbar_item_append(widget->ctrl_bar, NULL, FM_TOOLBAR_TEXT_CANCEL, _ctrl_bar_widget_cancel_btn_cb, widget);
  5. Create a new folder:
    1. The _popup_new_folder_type_create() function creates a popup with an edit field and the OK and Cancel buttons. It sets the text and callback functions.

      static int 
      _popup_new_folder_type_create(view_data *view)
         Evas_Object *popup = _popup_new(view->navi, NULL, view);
         RETVM_IF(!popup, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "Failed to create popup");
         elm_object_part_text_set(popup, "title,text", POPUP_TEXT_TITLE_NEW_FOLDER);
         int res = _popup_editfield_add(popup);
         RETVM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, res, "Failed to add editfield");
         res = _popup_buttons_add(popup, _popup_create_folder_ok_cb, _popup_cancel_cb);
         RETVM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, res, "Failed to add buttons");
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    2. The _popup_new() function creates a popup (elm_popup) and sets its text and style.

      static Evas_Object* 
      _popup_new(Evas_Object *parent, const char *text, const void *data)
         Evas_Object *popup = elm_popup_add(parent);
         RETVM_IF(!popup, NULL, "Failed to create popup");
         eext_object_event_callback_add(popup, EEXT_CALLBACK_BACK, _popup_back_button_cb, NULL);
         elm_object_style_set(popup, "default");
         elm_object_text_set(popup, text);
         evas_object_data_set(popup, "view", data);
         return popup;
    3. The _popup_editfield_add() creates the edit field from the entry (elm_entry), sets its theme and text.

      static int 
      _popup_editfield_add(Evas_Object *popup)
         Evas_Object *entry = elm_entry_add(popup);
         RETVM_IF(!entry, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "Failed to create entry");
         elm_layout_theme_set(entry, "entry", "base-single", "editfield");
         evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(entry, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
         elm_entry_scrollable_set(entry, EINA_TRUE);
         elm_entry_single_line_set(entry, EINA_TRUE);
         elm_object_part_text_set(entry, "", POPUP_TEXT_EMPTY_EDIT_FIELD);
         elm_object_part_text_set(entry, "elm.text", POPUP_TEXT_NEW_FOLDER);
         elm_object_content_set(popup, entry);
         elm_object_focus_set(entry, EINA_TRUE);
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
  6. Copy operation:
    1. The _ctrl_bar_widget_copy_btn_cb() function is called when the Copy button is clicked. This function copies the selected items using the list_view_copy_items() function then updates the storage list using the list_view_update() function and shows the popup.

      static void 
      _ctrl_bar_widget_copy_btn_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *eventInfo)
         RETM_IF(!data, "Data is NULL");
         ctrl_bar_widget *widget = data;
         widget->view->app->status.curr_mode = MODE_DEFAULT;
         int res = list_view_copy_items(widget->view);
         RETM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, "Failed to copy file");
         res = list_view_update(widget->view->navi_item, UPDATE_TYPE_GENLIST | UPDATE_TYPE_CTRL_BAR_MODE);
         RETM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, "Failed to update view");
         res = popup_create(widget->view, POPUP_TYPE_COPY_MOVE);
         RETM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, "Failed to create popup");
    2. The list_view_copy_items() function copies selected files to the clipboard using the clipboard_add_data() function and sets the operation type using the clipboard_set_operation() function.

      list_view_copy_items(view_data *view)
         RETVM_IF(!view, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "View object is NULL");
         list_view_data *list_data = (list_view_data *)view;
         app_data *app = list_data->;
         int res = clipboard_add_data(app->clipboard, list_data->file_list);
         RETVM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, res, "Failed to copy files");
         res = clipboard_set_operation(app->clipboard, OPERATION_TYPE_COPY);
         RETVM_IF(res != RESULT_TYPE_OK, res, "Failed to set operation");
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
  7. Model functionality:
    • The main model part functionalities provided by the fs_manager and fs_operation methods.

      The provided fs_manager API is used by the GUI elements to get data the for UI component: list of available storages, list of files and subfolder for specified folder; make copy, move, delete operations on files, and folders.

      To get a list of available storages, use the fs_manager_get_storage_list() function.

      fs_manager_get_storage_list(fs_manager *manager, Eina_List **storage_list)
         RETVM_IF(!manager, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "File manager is NULL");
         if (manager->is_locked)
            ERR("File manager is busy");
            return RESULT_TYPE_BUSY;
         bool is_supported = false;
         int res = _fs_manager_is_mmc_supported(&is_supported);
         if (res != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            return res;
         if (is_supported)
            storage_info *const pNode_internal = calloc(1, sizeof(node_info));
            pNode_internal->root_name = strdup(FM_MEMORY_LABEL);
            pNode_internal->root_path = strdup(FM_MEMORY_FOLDER);
            pNode_internal->type = STORAGE_TYPE_MMC;
            *storage_list = eina_list_append(*storage_list, pNode_internal);
         storage_info *const pNode_device = calloc(1, sizeof(node_info));
         pNode_device->root_name = strdup(FM_PHONE_LABEL);
         pNode_device->root_path = strdup(FM_PHONE_FOLDER);
         pNode_device->type = STORAGE_TYPE_PHONE;
         *storage_list = eina_list_append(*storage_list, pNode_device);
         *storage_list = eina_list_sort(*storage_list, eina_list_count(*storage_list), _fs_manager_sort_by_name_cb);
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    • To check whether an SD card is mounted, the _fs_manager_is_mmc_supported() function is used where the storage_get_external_memory_size() function from the storage API is called. The total size of the external storage is counted. If the size is 0, no SD card is mounted.

      For getting a list of the files and subfolders in the current folder, the fs_manager_get_file_list() function is called. Inside this, the model_utils_read_dir() function is called. It gets 2 Eina_List containers with the current folder's subfolders and files. Using the eina_list_sort() function sorts the lists. The order can be defined using the _fs_manager_sort_by_name_cb() function and merged into the result list using the eina_list_merge() function.

      fs_manager_get_file_list(fs_manager *manager, const char *dir_path, Eina_List **file_list)
         Eina_List *dirs = NULL;
         Eina_List *files = NULL;
         ret = model_utils_read_dir(dir_path, &dirs, &files);
         if (ret != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to read dir '%s'", dir_path);
            return ret;
         dirs = eina_list_sort(dirs, eina_list_count(dirs), _fs_manager_sort_by_name_cb);
         files = eina_list_sort(files, eina_list_count(files), _fs_manager_sort_by_name_cb);
         *file_list = eina_list_merge(dirs, files);
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    • The folder content getter, the model_utils_read_dir() function uses the Linux readdir_r() function to read data from folders.

      model_utils_read_dir(const char *dir_path, Eina_List **dir_list, Eina_List **file_list)
         struct dirent ent_struct;
         struct dirent *ent = NULL;
         while ((readdir_r(pDir, &ent_struct, &ent) == 0) && ent)
            int skip = (!ent->d_name ||
                     (strncmp(ent->d_name, ".", 1) == 0) ||
                     (strncmp(ent->d_name, "..", 2) == 0));
            skip = skip || ((ent->d_type != DT_DIR) && (ent->d_type != DT_REG));
            skip = skip || ((ent->d_type == DT_DIR) &&
                  (strcmp(dir_path, FM_PHONE_FOLDER) == 0) &&
                  (strcmp(ent->d_name, FM_DEBUG_FOLDER) == 0));
            node_info *const pNode = skip ? NULL : calloc(1, sizeof(node_info));
            if (pNode)
               pNode->parent_path = strdup(dir_path);
               pNode->name = strdup(ent->d_name);
               pNode->is_selected = EINA_FALSE;
               if (ent->d_type == DT_DIR)
                  pNode->type = FILE_TYPE_DIR;
                  model_utils_get_file_category(ent->d_name, &(pNode->type));
               if (pNode->type == FILE_TYPE_DIR)
                  *dir_list = eina_list_append(*dir_list, pNode);
                  *file_list = eina_list_append(*file_list, pNode);
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    • To create a new folder in the file system, use the fs_manager_create_folder() function that uses the Linux mkdir() method.

      fs_manager_create_folder(fs_manager *manager, const char *dir)
         RETVM_IF(!manager, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "File manager is NULL");
         RETVM_IF(!dir, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "Directory path is NULL");
         if (mkdir(dir, DIR_MODE) < 0)
            ERR("Failed to create folder '%s'", dir);
            return RESULT_TYPE_FAIL;
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    • To create a copy, or move or delete an operation, the fs_manager provides the fs_manager_copy_files(), fs_manager_move_files(), and fs_manager_delete_files() functions. All of them call the private _fs_manager_generate_operation() function. In this method, the fs_operation instance is created.

      static int 
      _fs_manager_generate_operation(fs_manager *manager, Eina_List *source_list, const char *dest_path,
                                     operation_type oper_type, fs_manager_complete_cb_func func, void *data)
         manager->user_cb_func = func;
         manager->user_cb_data = data;
         manager->operation = fs_operation_create();
         if (!manager->operation)
            ERR("Failed to allocate memory for file operation");
         int result = fs_operation_set_data(manager->operation, source_list, dest_path, oper_type);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            ERR("Failed to set operation data");
            return result;
         fs_operation_cb_data *cb_data = calloc(1, sizeof(fs_operation_cb_data));
         if (!cb_data)
            ERR("Failed to allocate memory for callback operation data");
         cb_data->manager = manager;
         cb_data->result = RESULT_TYPE_FAIL;
         // Lock file system manager
         manager->is_locked = EINA_TRUE;
         result = fs_operation_execute(manager->operation, _on_operation_completed, cb_data);
         if (result != RESULT_TYPE_OK)
            manager->is_locked = EINA_FALSE;
            ERR("Failed to execute operation");
         return result;
    • Every file operation that is needed to be done runs separately from the main loop thread. This functionality is provided by the fs_operation API. The fs_manager creates the fs_operation instance, sets the operation data, completes the callback data, and runs this operation by calling the fs_operation_execute() function where a new instance of the ecore_thread is created.

      fs_operation_execute(fs_operation *operation, fs_operation_cb_func cb_func, fs_operation_cb_data *cb_data)
         RETVM_IF(!operation, RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_ARG, "Operation object is NULL");
         RETVM_IF(!operation->source_list, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL,"File list not set");
         RETVM_IF(operation->oper_type == OPERATION_TYPE_NONE, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL,"Type of operation not set");
         RETVM_IF(!operation->dst_path && (operation->oper_type != OPERATION_TYPE_DELETE),
                  RESULT_TYPE_FAIL, "Destination path not set");
         operation->cb_func = cb_func;
         operation->cb_data = cb_data;
         operation->exec_thread = ecore_thread_feedback_run(_fs_operation_run, NULL,
                                                            _fs_operation_end, NULL, 
                                                            (void*)operation, EINA_TRUE);
         RETVM_IF(!operation->exec_thread, RESULT_TYPE_FAIL, "Failed to create thread");
         return RESULT_TYPE_OK;
    • The _fs_operation_run() function is the thread function that runs in the separate thread. The operation is executed in this function file. The result of the operation is set to the callback data.

      _fs_operation_run(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread)
         fs_operation *operation = data;
         int res = RESULT_TYPE_FAIL;
         switch (operation->oper_type)
            case OPERATION_TYPE_COPY:
               res = _fs_operation_copy(operation);
            case OPERATION_TYPE_MOVE:
               res = _fs_operation_move(operation);
            case OPERATION_TYPE_DELETE:
               res = _fs_operation_delete(operation);
               ERR("Operation type not set");
         if (operation->is_canceled)
         if (operation->cb_data)
            operation->cb_data->result = res;
    • The _fs_operation_end() function runs after the _fs_operation_run() is finished and it runs in the main loop. In this method, the operation callback function is called and the operation result is returned to the operation caller.

      _fs_operation_end(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread)
         fs_operation *operation = data;
         if (operation->is_canceled)
         if (operation->cb_func)