WidgetService API
For more information on the Widget service features, see the Widget Service Guide.
Do not use "widget" as name for one of your global variables, as it is a global W3C object's name.
Since: 2.3.2
Table of Contents
- 1. Type Definitions
- 1.1. WidgetId
- 1.2. WidgetInstanceId
- 1.3. WidgetSizeType
- 1.4. WidgetStateType
- 2. Interfaces
- 2.1. WidgetServiceManagerObject
- 2.2. WidgetServiceManager
- 2.3. Widget
- 2.4. WidgetSize
- 2.5. WidgetVariant
- 2.6. WidgetInstance
- 2.7. WidgetArraySuccessCallback
- 2.8. WidgetInstancesCallback
- 2.9. WidgetVariantsCallback
- 2.10. WidgetContentCallback
- 2.11. WidgetChangeCallback
- 3. Related Feature
- 4. Full WebIDL
Summary of Interfaces and Methods
Interface | Method |
WidgetServiceManagerObject | |
WidgetServiceManager |
void getWidgets (WidgetArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback, optional PackageId? packageId)
Widget |
DOMString getName (optional DOMString? locale)
long addStateChangeListener (WidgetChangeCallback listener)
void removeStateChangeListener (long watchId)
WidgetSize | |
WidgetVariant | |
WidgetInstance |
void changeUpdatePeriod (double seconds)
void sendContent (Object data, boolean updateIfPaused)
WidgetArraySuccessCallback | |
WidgetInstancesCallback | void onsuccess (WidgetInstance[] instances) |
WidgetVariantsCallback | void onsuccess (WidgetVariant[] instances) |
WidgetContentCallback | void onsuccess (Object data) |
WidgetChangeCallback |
1. Type Definitions
1.2. WidgetInstanceId
typedef DOMString WidgetInstanceId;
Since: 2.3.2
1.3. WidgetSizeType
enum WidgetSizeType { "1x1", "2x1", "2x2", "4x1", "4x2", "4x3", "4x4", "4x5", "4x6", "EASY_1x1", "EASY_3x1", "EASY_3x3", "FULL" };
Since: 2.3.2
The size types defines the following types (pixel size is given for a 720x1280 resolution):
Size type | Size in pixels | Supported profile |
1x1 | 175x175 | This size type is not used. just defined for specifying a default cell size |
2x1 | 354x175 | Mobile |
2x2 | 354x354 | Mobile, Wearable |
4x1 | 712x175 | Mobile |
4x2 | 712x354 | Mobile |
4x3 | 712x533 | Mobile |
4x4 | 712x712 | Mobile |
4x5 | 712x891 | Mobile |
4x6 | 712x1070 | Mobile |
EASY_1x1 | 224x215 | Mobile |
EASY_3x1 | 680x215 | Mobile |
EASY_3x3 | 680x653 | Mobile |
FULL | 720x1280 | Mobile |
1.4. WidgetStateType
enum WidgetStateType { "CREATE", "DESTROY", "PAUSE", "RESUME" };
Since: 2.3.2
- CREATE - the widget was created
- DESTROY - the widget was destroyed
- PAUSE - the widget was paused
- RESUME - the widget was resumed
Widget lifetime events can be monitored with the addStateChangeListener() method of the Widget interface.
2. Interfaces
2.1. WidgetServiceManagerObject
[NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetServiceManagerObject { readonly attribute WidgetServiceManager widgetservice; };
Tizen implements WidgetServiceManagerObject;
Since: 2.3.2
The tizen.widgetservice object provides access to the Widget Service API's functionality.
WidgetServiceManager widgetserviceObject representing a widget service manager.
Since: 2.3.2
2.2. WidgetServiceManager
[NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetServiceManager { Widget getWidget(WidgetId widgetId) raises(WebAPIException); void getWidgets(WidgetArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback, optional PackageId? packageId) raises(WebAPIException); WidgetId getPrimaryWidgetId((PackageId or ApplicationId) id) raises(WebAPIException); WidgetSize getSize(WidgetSizeType sizeType) raises(WebAPIException); };
Since: 2.3.2
Retrieves a Widget object with a given widgetId.
Since: 2.3.2
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/widget.viewer
- widgetId: The ID of the Widget to retrieve.
Return value:
The Widget object.
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to use this function.
with error type NotFoundError, if widget with given id does not exist.
with error type IOError, if a DB operation has failed.
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
/* Variable id should contain valid id of the installed widget. */ var id = "org.tizen.gallery.widget"; try { var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget(id); console.log("Widget id is " + myWidget.id); console.log("Widget details:"); console.log("Main application id: " + myWidget.applicationId); console.log("Package id: " + myWidget.packageId); console.log("Is hidden in the list of widgets: " + myWidget.noDisplay); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Widget id is org.tizen.gallery.widget Widget details: Main application id: org.tizen.gallery Package id: org.tizen.gallery Is hidden in the list of widgets: false
Retrieves a list of all widgets. If package id is provided returned list contains widgets included in a given package only.
void getWidgets(WidgetArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback, optional PackageId? packageId);
Since: 2.3.2
The errorCallback is launched with these error types:
- IOError - If a DB operation has failed.
- AbortError - If the operation cannot be finished properly.
- NotFoundError - If the device has no widgets or if a widget with the given id does not exist
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/widget.viewer
- successCallback: A function to call when widgets are retrieved successfully.
- errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: A function to call when an error occurs.
- packageId [optional] [nullable]: If this parameter is given, then only widgets belonging to the given package are returned.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to use this function.
Code example:
tizen.widgetservice.getWidgets( function(widgets) { console.log("There are " + widgets.length + " available widgets"); }, function(error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); });
Output example:
There are 3 available widgets
Returns the primary widget ID of the specified package or application.
WidgetId getPrimaryWidgetId((PackageId or ApplicationId) id);
Since: 2.3.2
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/widget.viewer
- id: Package or Application ID.
Return value:
The ID of the widget.
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to use this function.
with error type NotFoundError, if widget with given id does not exist.
with error type IOError, if a DB operation has failed.
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
/* Variable id should contain valid id of the application or package. */ var id = "org.tizen.gallery"; try { var widgetId = tizen.widgetservice.getPrimaryWidgetId(id); console.log("Widget id is " + widgetId); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Widget id is org.tizen.gallery.widget
Returns the size corresponding to the given sizeType.
WidgetSize getSize(WidgetSizeType sizeType);
Since: 2.3.2
- sizeType: WidgetSizeType used for retrieving corresponding pixel size object.
Return value:
An object which contains width and height.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
Code example:
/* Variable sizeType should contain supported size type. */ var sizeType = "4x4"; try { var widgetSize = tizen.widgetservice.getSize(sizeType); console.log("Widget size width: " + widgetSize.width + ", height: " + widgetSize.height); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Widget size width: 712, height: 712
2.3. Widget
[NoInterfaceObject] interface Widget { readonly attribute WidgetId id; readonly attribute ApplicationId applicationId; readonly attribute ApplicationId? setupApplicationId; readonly attribute PackageId packageId; readonly attribute boolean noDisplay; DOMString getName(optional DOMString? locale) raises(WebAPIException); void getInstances(WidgetInstancesCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); WidgetVariant getVariant(WidgetSizeType sizeType) raises(WebAPIException); void getVariants(WidgetVariantsCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); long addStateChangeListener(WidgetChangeCallback listener) raises(WebAPIException); void removeStateChangeListener(long watchId) raises(WebAPIException); };
Since: 2.3.2
WidgetId idWidget ID.
Since: 2.3.2
ApplicationId applicationIdMain application ID.
Since: 2.3.2
ApplicationId setupApplicationId [nullable]Setup application ID.
Since: 2.3.2
PackageId packageIdThe ID of the package this widget was installed with.
Since: 2.3.2
boolean noDisplaytrue if the widget should be hidden in the list of widgets.
Precondition: Widget tag in the config.xml file includes the "nodisplay" attribute.
Since: 2.3.2
Returns a name of the widget in a given locale.
DOMString getName(optional DOMString? locale);
Since: 2.3.2
- locale [optional] [nullable]: Locale ("en-us", "ko-kr", ...). If null, then the default system locale is used.
Return value:
The name of the widget.
- WebAPIException
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
/* Variable id should contain valid id of the installed widget. */ var id = "org.tizen.gallery.widget"; try { var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget(id); var name = myWidget.getName("en-us"); console.log("Widget name is " + name); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Widget name is Gallery
Retrieves Widget instances (elements that have been added to the screen). Widget instance as opposed to the widget interface (which is abstract of application), is a specified application.
void getInstances(WidgetInstancesCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);
Since: 2.3.2
The errorCallback is launched with these error types:
- AbortError - If the operation cannot be finished properly.
- NotFoundError - If the Web application which is calling this method did not add any widgets to the screen.
- SecurityError - If the widget does not belong to the package of the web application which is calling this method.
Remark: This method can only be used with widgets and applications which belong to the same package. Therefore, the widget should belong to the package of the Web application which calls this method.
- successCallback: A function to call when widgets are retrieved successfully.
- errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: A function to call when an error occurs.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
Code example:
widgetSuccessCb = function(instances) { console.log("Instances array size: " + instances.length); }; widgetErrorCb = function(error) { console.log("Error occurred: " + error.name + ": " + error.message); }; /* Variable id should contain valid id of the installed widget. */ var id = "org.tizen.gallery.widget"; try { var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget(id); myWidget.getInstances(widgetSuccessCb, widgetErrorCb); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Instances array size: 3
Returns object representing widget information related to a given sizeType.
WidgetVariant getVariant(WidgetSizeType sizeType);
Since: 2.3.2
- sizeType: WidgetSizeType value that information will be returned about.
Return value:
Size variant info.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
/* Variable id should contain valid id of the installed widget. */ var id = "org.tizen.gallery.widget"; try { var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget(id); var variant = myWidget.getVariant("4x4"); console.log("Variant preview image path is " + variant.previewImagePath); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Variant preview image path is /usr/share/icons/default/small/preview_gallery_4x4.png
Retrieves Widget Variants representing all of the supported widget size types.
void getVariants(WidgetVariantsCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);
Since: 2.3.2
The errorCallback is launched with these error types:
- AbortError - If the operation cannot be finished properly.
- successCallback: A function to call when widgets are retrieved successfully.
- errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: A function to call when an error occurs.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
Code example:
widgetSuccessCb = function(variants) { console.log("Variants array size: " + variants.length); }; widgetErrorCb = function(error) { console.log("Error occurred: " + error.name + ": " + error.message); }; /* Variable id should contain valid id of the installed widget. */ var id = "org.tizen.gallery.widget"; try { var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget(id); myWidget.getVariants(widgetSuccessCb, widgetErrorCb); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Variants array size: 4
Registers a callback which will be called whenever any of this widget instances state changes.
long addStateChangeListener(WidgetChangeCallback listener);
Since: 2.3.2
Remark: This method can only be used with widgets and applications which belong to the same package. Therefore, the widget should belong to the package of the Web application which calls this method.
- listener: The callback.
Return value:
The watch ID used to unregister the callback.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
widgetChangeCb = function(instance, event) { console.log("Instance " + instance.id + " is " + event); }; /* Variable id should contain valid id of the installed widget. */ var id = "org.tizen.music-player.widget"; try { var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget(id); var watchId = myWidget.addStateChangeListener(widgetChangeCb); console.log("Listener with id " + watchId + " has been added"); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Listener with id 1 has been added Instance org.tizen.music-player.widget is RESUME
Unregisters a callback registered under the given watchId.
void removeStateChangeListener(long watchId);
Since: 2.3.2
Remark: This method can only be used with widgets and applications which belong to the same package. Therefore, the widget should belong to the package of the Web application which calls this method.
- watchId: The ID of the registered listener.
- WebAPIException
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
widgetChangeCb = function(instance, event) { console.log("Instance " + instance.id + " is " + event); myWidget.removeStateChangeListener(watchId); console.log("Listener with id " + watchId + " has been removed"); }; /* Variable id should contain valid id of the installed widget. */ var id = "org.tizen.music-player.widget"; var watchId; try { var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget(id); watchId = myWidget.addStateChangeListener(widgetChangeCb); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Listener with id 1 has been removed
2.4. WidgetSize
[NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetSize { readonly attribute long width; readonly attribute long height; };
Since: 2.3.2
long widthThe horizontal dimension of the area in pixels.
Since: 2.3.2
long heightThe vertical dimension of the area in pixels.
Since: 2.3.2
2.5. WidgetVariant
[NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetVariant { readonly attribute WidgetSizeType sizeType; readonly attribute long width; readonly attribute long height; readonly attribute DOMString previewImagePath; readonly attribute boolean needsMouseEvents; readonly attribute boolean needsTouchEffect; readonly attribute boolean needsFrame; };
Since: 2.3.2
WidgetSizeType sizeTypeThe WidgetSizeType this WidgetVariant describes.
Since: 2.3.2
long widthPixel width.
Since: 2.3.2
long heightPixel height.
Since: 2.3.2
DOMString previewImagePathThe preview image path.
Since: 2.3.2
boolean needsMouseEventstrue if the widget was designed to receive mouse events.
Since: 2.3.2
boolean needsTouchEffecttrue if the widget expects the system to show touch effect.
Since: 2.3.2
boolean needsFrametrue if the widget expects the system to draw a frame.
Since: 2.3.2
2.6. WidgetInstance
[NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetInstance { readonly attribute Widget widget; readonly attribute WidgetInstanceId id; void changeUpdatePeriod(double seconds) raises(WebAPIException); void sendContent(Object data, boolean updateIfPaused) raises(WebAPIException); void getContent(WidgetContentCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); };
Since: 2.3.2
Every visual widget element added to the home screen is a single instance of some Widget.
Widget widgetThe Widget this instance belongs to.
Since: 2.3.2
WidgetInstanceId idID of the widget instance, this value is volatile and may change after reboot.
Since: 2.3.2
Changes the interval between automatic update of the widget instance data. Minimum value is 1 second.
void changeUpdatePeriod(double seconds);
Since: 2.3.2
Remark: This method is not supported by Web Widget.
- seconds: The interval in seconds.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
with error type InvalidValuesError, if any input parameters do not contain a valid value. Minimum value is 1 second.
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
/* Variable instance should contain valid WidgetInstance object obtained by getInstances() method. */ var instance; var period = 2; try { instance.changeUpdatePeriod(period); console.log("Update period has been set to " + period + " seconds"); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Update period has been set to 2 seconds
Sends a new content data to the Widget Instance.
void sendContent(Object data, boolean updateIfPaused);
Since: 2.3.2
This function does not wait for a confirmation that the data was updated.
Remark: This method is not supported by Web Widget.
- data: The new content data.
- updateIfPaused: true if you want to update your widget even if the provider is paused.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
with error type IOError, if a DB operation has failed.
with error type AbortError, if the operation cannot be finished properly.
Code example:
/* Variable instance should contain valid WidgetInstance object obtained by getInstances() method. */ var instance; var data = {data1: "test1", data2: "test2"}; try { instance.sendContent(data, true); console.log("Data has been successfully sent"); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Data has been successfully sent
Retrieves content data from the Widget Instance.
void getContent(WidgetContentCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback);
Since: 2.3.2
The errorCallback is launched with these error types:
- IOError - If a DB operation has failed
- AbortError - If the operation cannot be finished properly.
Remark: This method is not supported by Web Widget.
- successCallback: A function to call when data is retrieved successfully.
- errorCallback: A function to call when an error occurs.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if any input parameter is not compatible with the expected type for that parameter.
Code example:
/* Variable instance should contain valid WidgetInstance object obtained by getInstances() method. */ var instance; contentSuccessCb = function(data) { console.log("Data has been obtained successfully"); for (var prop in data) { console.log(prop + ": " + data[prop]); } }; contentErrorCb = function(error) { console.log("Error occurred: " + error.name + ": " + error.message); }; try { instance.getContent(contentSuccessCb, contentErrorCb); } catch (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); }
Output example:
Data has been obtained successfully data1: test1 data2: test2
2.7. WidgetArraySuccessCallback
[NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetArraySuccessCallback { void onsuccess(Widget[] widgets); };
Since: 2.3.2
Called when the array of Widget objects is retrieved successfully.
void onsuccess(Widget[] widgets);
Since: 2.3.2
- widgets: Array of Widget objects.
2.8. WidgetInstancesCallback
[NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetInstancesCallback { void onsuccess(WidgetInstance[] instances); };
Since: 2.3.2
Called when the array of WidgetInstance objects is retrieved successfully.
void onsuccess(WidgetInstance[] instances);
Since: 2.3.2
- instances: Array of WidgetInstance objects.
2.9. WidgetVariantsCallback
[NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetVariantsCallback { void onsuccess(WidgetVariant[] instances); };
Since: 2.3.2
Called when the array of WidgetVariants objects is retrieved successfully.
void onsuccess(WidgetVariant[] instances);
Since: 2.3.2
- instances: Array of WidgetVariants objects.
2.10. WidgetContentCallback
[NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetContentCallback { void onsuccess(Object data); };
Since: 2.3.2
2.11. WidgetChangeCallback
[NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetChangeCallback { void onchange(WidgetInstance instance, WidgetStateType event); };
Since: 2.3.2
Called when the instance state was changed.
void onchange(WidgetInstance instance, WidgetStateType event);
Since: 2.3.2
- instance: Widget instance id that change is related to.
- event: Event of widget life cycle.
3. Related Feature
To guarantee that the widget application runs on a system which supports Widgets, declare the following feature requirements in the config file:
4. Full WebIDL
module WidgetService { typedef DOMString WidgetId; typedef DOMString WidgetInstanceId; enum WidgetSizeType { "1x1", "2x1", "2x2", "4x1", "4x2", "4x3", "4x4", "4x5", "4x6", "EASY_1x1", "EASY_3x1", "EASY_3x3", "FULL" }; enum WidgetStateType { "CREATE", "DESTROY", "PAUSE", "RESUME" }; Tizen implements WidgetServiceManagerObject; [NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetServiceManagerObject { readonly attribute WidgetServiceManager widgetservice; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetServiceManager { Widget getWidget(WidgetId widgetId) raises(WebAPIException); void getWidgets(WidgetArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback, optional PackageId? packageId) raises(WebAPIException); WidgetId getPrimaryWidgetId((PackageId or ApplicationId) id) raises(WebAPIException); WidgetSize getSize(WidgetSizeType sizeType) raises(WebAPIException); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface Widget { readonly attribute WidgetId id; readonly attribute ApplicationId applicationId; readonly attribute ApplicationId? setupApplicationId; readonly attribute PackageId packageId; readonly attribute boolean noDisplay; DOMString getName(optional DOMString? locale) raises(WebAPIException); void getInstances(WidgetInstancesCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); WidgetVariant getVariant(WidgetSizeType sizeType) raises(WebAPIException); void getVariants(WidgetVariantsCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); long addStateChangeListener(WidgetChangeCallback listener) raises(WebAPIException); void removeStateChangeListener(long watchId) raises(WebAPIException); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetSize { readonly attribute long width; readonly attribute long height; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetVariant { readonly attribute WidgetSizeType sizeType; readonly attribute long width; readonly attribute long height; readonly attribute DOMString previewImagePath; readonly attribute boolean needsMouseEvents; readonly attribute boolean needsTouchEffect; readonly attribute boolean needsFrame; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface WidgetInstance { readonly attribute Widget widget; readonly attribute WidgetInstanceId id; void changeUpdatePeriod(double seconds) raises(WebAPIException); void sendContent(Object data, boolean updateIfPaused) raises(WebAPIException); void getContent(WidgetContentCallback successCallback, ErrorCallback errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); }; [NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetArraySuccessCallback { void onsuccess(Widget[] widgets); }; [NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetInstancesCallback { void onsuccess(WidgetInstance[] instances); }; [NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetVariantsCallback { void onsuccess(WidgetVariant[] instances); }; [NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetContentCallback { void onsuccess(Object data); }; [NoInterfaceObject, Callback=FunctionOnly] interface WidgetChangeCallback { void onchange(WidgetInstance instance, WidgetStateType event); }; };