Tizen Native API
/* * main_animal.c * compile with: gcc eina_model_04_*.c -o eina_model_04 `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina` */ /* * This example demonstrates the extended usage of Eina Model. * Class inheritance and interface implementation * * Animal Class is inherited from BaseClass and implements * "_breathe_animal()" and "_eat_animal()" methods. * * Human Class is inherited from Animal class. * Parrot Class is inherited from Animal class. * * Child Class is inherited from Human class. * * Human Class and Parrot Class implement Whistler Interface. * Human Class implements Diver Interface. Diver Interface inherited from Swimmer Interface * * * Animal Class (inherited from Base Class) * + _breathe_animal() * + _eat_animal() * / -------/ \-------------\ * / \ * Human Class Parrot Class * inherits inherits * + animal_breathe() + animal_breathe() * overrides overrides * + animal_eat(); + animal_eat(); * implements implements * + human_walk(); + parrot_fly(); * * implements Whistler, Swimmer, implements Whistler, * Diver Interfaces: + whistler_whistle() * + whistler_whistle() * + swimmer_swim() * + diver_dive() * * ---------------------------------------------------------- * | Swim_Interface | * | + swim() | * | | | * | | | * | Dive Intarface (inherited from Swim Interface) | * | + dive() | * --------------------------------------------------------- * | * | * Child Class * + inherits all parent's methods * + implements cry_child() * + overrides dive() interface method */ #include <Eina.h> #include "eina_model_04_human.h" #include "eina_model_04_parrot.h" #include "eina_model_04_child.h" #include "eina_model_04_whistler.h" int main() { Eina_Model *h, *p, *c; eina_init(); human_init(); parrot_init(); child_init(); h = eina_model_new(HUMAN_TYPE); p = eina_model_new(PARROT_TYPE); c = eina_model_new(CHILD_TYPE); animal_breathe(p); animal_eat(p); parrot_fly(p); whistler_whistle(p); printf("\n"); animal_breathe(h); animal_eat(h); human_walk(h); whistler_whistle(h); swimmer_swim(h); diver_dive(h); printf("\n"); animal_breathe(c); animal_eat(c); human_walk(c); whistler_whistle(c); swimmer_swim(c); diver_dive(c); child_cry(c); eina_model_unref(c); eina_model_unref(h); eina_model_unref(p); eina_shutdown(); return 0; }