Emulator Extension Development Guide

You can develop various extensions for the emulator: QEMU, kernel, Emulator Manager, and Emulator Control Panel extensions.

Develop QEMU extensions

To develop a QEMU extension, follow the steps below:

  1. Develop your extension in a separate source directory.
    For ease of management, you can use git submodule to handle the QEMU Git repository as a subdirectory.
  2. Build the extension:
    1. Add your extension source code to a subdirectory under <QEMU>/tizen/src/.
      You can use git submodule to create the subdirectory from your source code directory, or link to it using a symbolic link.
    2. Prepare the configure script.
      Use the existing emulator_configure.sh file in the <QEMU>/tizen/ directory as a template.
    3. Run the configure script with the argument --extension-path = [extension directory], where the extension directory is a relative path starting from <QEMU>/tizen/src.
    4. Run the make command with the <QEMU>/tizen/Makefile file.
      If you used git submodule to manage the QEMU repository as a subdirectory, it can be convenient to create a wrapper Makefile in the parent directory.
  3. After you have built and tested your extension, push your code to the QEMU Git repository.

Develop kernel extensions

To develop a kernel extension, follow the steps below:

  1. Develop your extension in a separate source directory.
    For ease of management, you can use git submodule to handle the emulator-kernel Git repository as a subdirectory.
  2. Build the extension:
    1. Add your extension source code to a subdirectory under <emulator-kernel>/drivers/maru/.
      You can use git submodule to create the subdirectory from your source code directory, or link to it using a symbolic link.
    2. Prepare the defconfig file.
      Use the existing defconfig file as a template.
      You can use a script to set the extension path at build time, or if the extension path is fixed, it can be hardcoded in the defconfig file CONFIG_MARU_EXTENSION_SOURCE and CONFIG_MARU_EXTENSION_SOURCE_PATH variables.
    3. Run the make command with the defconfig file.
      If you used git submodule to manage the emulator-kernel repository as a subdirectory, it can be convenient to create a wrapper Makefile in the parent directory.
  3. After you have built and tested your extension, push your code to the emulator-kernel Git repository.

Develop emulator manager extensions

Before developing Emulator Manager extensions, you must understand the structure of the Emulator Manager. The Emulator Manager has the following components:

  • em-lib.jar manages the common parts of the UI and CLI. It loads the plugin .jar file and the default property .xml file.
  • em-3.0-ui.jar contains the UI source, which is implemented using JavaFX. It loads the emulator UI template .xml file.
  • em-cli.jar contains the CLI source.

Figure: Emulator Manager structure

Emulator Manager structure

In Emulator Manager plugins:

  • Each platform has separate files for its UI items and emulator options.
  • Each profile has a separate plugin.
    For example:
    • em-plugin-mobile.jar
    • em-plugin-wearable.jar
  • The template directory contains .xml files that define platform-specific UI and property values.
    For example:
    • X86-standard.xml (default property)
    • X86-standard-template-v2.xml (UI template)

Extension points and their associated classes allow you to extend the features of Emulator Manager:

  • The Item-Factory class extends property view items in the UI.
    • Extension point: org.tizen.emulator.manager.ui.item.ViewItemFactory
  • The Option-Factory-v2 class extends launch options.
    • Extension point: org.tizen.emulator.manager.vms.option.IOptionFactory
  • The Platform-Resource-Selector class selects whether to use platform resources.

You must specify the extension class in the MANIFEST.MF file of the plugin.

Figure: Loading a plugin class

Loading a plugin class

The following figure describes how extension plugins implement new features in Emulator Manager.

Figure: Implementing a plugin class

Implementing a plugin class

For example, you can create a UI extension to modify the launch options. This is implemented using the org.tizen.emulator.manager.vms.option.Option extension point. After creating a class instance, you can extend the OptionFactoryV2 class by using MakeOptionList to add a new option to the Common option list, or addOption to add a new option to a specific list item.

Develop emulator control panel extensions

The Emulator Control Panel extensions use 2 Git repositories:

  • Lib, UI, and CLI code: sdk/emulator/emulator-control-panel
  • Device code: sdk/tools/emulator-control-panel-devices

To build an extension:

  1. Copy the external binaries.
  2. Copy the following binaries from tizen-sdk/tools/emulator/bin to the 2 libs folders in your project:
    • args4j, jfxrt, jline, json-simple, and protobuf
  3. Build the code:
    • In the case of lib, ui, and cli libraries, to build them all at once, enter the ant shell command at the top level of your project.
    • In the case of devices:
      • When building is complete, copy the built libecp, emulator-control-panel.jar, and emulator-control-panel-cli.jar files to libs in the devices project directory.
      • To build the mobile, wearable, and tv profiles all at once, enter the ant shell command at the top level of your project. To build a specific profile only, you can specify, for example, ant -f ECP-DEVICE/build_mobile.xml.
  4. If you configure devices separately, you only need to push changes to the emulator-control-panel-devices repository.
  5. When building is complete, move the following files:
    • libecp.jar, emulator-control-panel.jar, and emulator-control-panel-cli.jar to sdk/tools/emulator/bin
    • Device xml and jar files to platforms/<version>/<profile>/emulator-resources/plugins
      • You must also rename the .jar and .xml files as ‘ecp-plugin--.’.

To execute the extension in Eclipse, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Eclipse IDE.
  2. Import all the project files.
  3. In the run configuration, set the main project and class.
    • Project: ECP-UI for UI or ECP-CLI for CLI
    • Main class: org.tizen.ecp.EmulatorControlPanel for UI or org.tizen.cli.TizenEmulatorCli for CLI
  4. In the run configuration, set the program arguments.
    • vm_name: the name of vm instance
    • base_port: this can be found the first item from the context menu when you right click on an emulator. The port indicates the connected sdb port, so you should subtract 1 to get the base port.
    • platform_version: see below example
    • profile: see below example For example:
    vm_name=w-0906-1 base_port=26100 platform_version=tizen-2.3.2 profile=wearable
    The platform version and profile are used in the directory names:
  5. In the run configuration, add the ECP-DEVICES project into class path and source path.
  6. In the run configuration, enter the following VM arguments. This is needed in order to change the search option to find the device xml and jar location. Basically, non-develop mode of ECP searches 3 above relative directory to find sdk.info. If it is in develop mode, it searches the current directory and the executable binary directory.
    • -Ddevelop
  7. Create a symbolic link on a terminal to set target directory of Tizen studio. Tizen studio base location is used to find the target device xml and jar location, including extension version and profile location.
    • sdk.info file is found based on the SDK installation path
    • For example: emulator-control-panel/ECP-LIB
      • ln -s ~/tizen-studio/sdk.info sdk.info