Tizen Native API
Widget list
Here is a list of the widgets and some images to give you an idea of what they are:
- Elm_Actionslider

- Elm_Bubble

- Elm_Ctxpopup

- Elm_Combobox

- Elm_Dayselector

- Elm_Diskselector

- Elm_Entry

- Elm_Fileselector

- Elm_Frame

- Elm_GLView
- Elm_Hover

- Elm_Index

- Elm_Inwin

- Elm_List

- Elm_Label

- Elm_Map

- Elm_Mapbuf

- Elm_Menu

- Elm_Notify

- Elm_Panel

- Elm_Photo
- Elm_Photocam

- Elm_Popup
- Elm_Prefs

- Elm_Radio

- Elm_Separator

- Elm_Slideshow

- Elm_Spinner

- Elm_Thumb

- Tooltips
- Elm_Video
- Elm_Web

- Elm_Win

The other two main groups in Elementary are:
- Infrastructure list - These are modules that deal with Elementary as a whole.
- Containers List - These are the containers which will hold the widgets.